Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2011
The term prepotent is used when you want to refer that this or that individual has more power than another or others, although it is also frequently used to account for the one who abuses the power he holds and who, for example, makes his subordinates feel or people who are in charge of him or below his level. “MY boss is arrogant, he told us that if we do not finish the tasks before Friday he will not pay us the vacations.”
An individual who has more power than others and who uses it normally to impose himself on his subordinates
Precisely in the workplace is where the overbearing is most observed and is materialized in that person who occupies a managerial or maximum position and who in his name does and undoes at will.
It forces an employee to do a task that does not correspond to him, it overwhelms his rights in some aspect, among the most common actions.
Misuse of his authority through violence
The overbearing will stand out from the rest especially because
he unduly and unfairly uses his authority over another who occupies a position or a place inferior to his within a hierarchy.It is a frequent situation in the superior-subordinate relationship, that the superior shows a way to act arrogant and therefore exceeds in the exercise of their powers against that subordinate. When, for example, a boss uses his employee or subordinate to satisfy interests that are linked to his personal orbit, he does not having the same nothing to do with the obligations of the company, you will be exercising abuse of authority and therefore being arrogant with your employee.
Meanwhile, the attitude or behavior of the arrogant is called arrogance.
The arrogance is characterized by trying to achieve the ends or objectives through subjugation, threats and in some cases even through the use of violence physical.
Presence in the security forces and in politics
In public order we can find ourselves with arrogance; many times some individuals who work in the forces of safety of a Nation They tend to use arrogant modes in the development of their tasks.
The responsibility of these bodies is to monitor that public order is maintained in conformity, but this does not imply that should exceed in the exercise of their function and use, for example, physical violence against some person.
We cannot ignore that within the security forces themselves, situations of arrogance between superiors tend to arise. and subordinates, who must be denounced if they happen, because they only tarnish their work.
For example, they arrest a person without justification some and they do not allow you to contact a lawyer or a family member to inform them of his situation. “The officer who detained me was very arrogant, he kept me incommunicado for more than ten hours.”
On the other hand in the politics the observation in this way of behavior, especially in those who hold the power of management of a nation, for example a president or a head of government.
Usually this conduct it is common in those governments or administrations of an authoritarian or dictatorial nature.
Of course, the leader who behaves in this way does not accept any type of opposition and when he feels that someone is opposed to his interests or authority, brings out the weight of authority, and imposes it to intimidate those who are at a disadvantage in terms.
Those countries governed by undemocratic authorities tend to imprison and persecute those people who profess against its management or who question it in any way.
The right criminal law considers this situation as a crime in which a person invested with authority and within the framework of its management violates the rights of another person. In most laws it is classified as an abuse of authority and of course whoever is check that you have committed this crime, you will be punished in accordance with the provisions of the regulations current.
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