Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
The show is known as a circus artistic, generally itinerant, that is, it moves fully and with its entire structure through various towns and cities, for example, in which, trainers, animals, clowns, acrobats, magicians and other artists perform their respective numbers in which they show the public their skills. The acrobat who demonstrates Balance on a rope, on a trapeze, the clown who plays cute, disguises himself, tells jokes to amuse the boys in the audience, the trainers of elephants that show how they make them raise one leg or stand in two and the magicians who present their main magic tricks, among others.
Although at the time of think In a circus, the first thing that comes to mind is that idea of traveling and the presence of animals, in recent years and as a consequence, on the one hand, of the new proposals of entertainment more impersonal and full of technological elements that attract much more to the boys of today and on the other hand, for the triumph achieved by the orders, claims and denunciations of those associations and people who did not agree with the presence of animals and the treatment of submission that many of the circuses were given to them, is that at present, the circus, holds his
traditional importance, but it lost its itinerant character and the presence of animals, which once knew how to be one of the main attractions in the villages.Meanwhile, most of the bodily activities that are carried out in a circus, such as juggling, contortion and acrobatics, are much older and preceded the birth per se of the circus, since in most ancient peoples they were activities that were practiced almost daily, both by men and by women.
But if we search The origins of the circus can be found in ancient Rome, since the Romans were the first to refer to the term circus as entertainment activities, recreation or public shows, such as horse or chariot races and cruel duels between animals and mens that were traditionally performed in circuses and that had the shape of a parallelogram long, rounded at one end and surrounded by tiers so that spectators can sit.
At present and as we explained at the beginning of this review, the circus has changed in some aspects the proposals it offered, that is, the entertainment of the public continues to be its main function, however, the visual that is achieved through the combination of elements such as lights, sounds and special effects has gained ground with respect to issues such as being the inclusion of animals, which hardly exist today. A faithful expression This is what I'm telling you about Cirque Du Soleil.
Circus themes