Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
A omen is a signal that anticipates an event that will happen in the future.
Signal that anticipates a future event or divination that an intuition proceeds
Also, the word is used to indicate that divination motivated by intuition about events that will happen in the future and to account for the explanation of signs.
Subjectivity, key to positive or negative assessment
The omen is a form of divination that is based on observable signals, while some omens warn about the succession of positive events, while that others anticipate negative events, depending on this consideration of the interpreter's eyes, since without a doubt the subjectivity of each which.
The lead gray of the sky and the intense clouds herald the coming of a strong storm.
So, the omen is a question that is closely associated with the fortune telling.
The man and his eternal concern for the future
Man has always been concerned about knowing what fate will bring him, for example, if he will earn more money, if he will change his job, if He will marry, if he will have children, if he will travel to that desired place, among so many situations that human beings want to know in advance.
The omens may be good or bad, this will especially depend on the expectation and desires presented by the protagonist of the omen, that is, if what he expected is happens in relation to a question, it happens, the omen will be considered as positive, meanwhile, if it anticipates the non-succession of something that was desired, it will be thought as negative.
Meanwhile, there are individuals who are especially dedicated to this need to anticipate and interpret what that will happen in the future, generally, they are known as fortune teller, clairvoyant or sorcerer, among the most popular.
The omens are closely linked to the sensations and intuitions we feel, because usually these are the ones that trigger an omen.
So it is that people who believe a lot in omens when they feel a strong sensation in their bodies, for example the throbbing of their heart Without a specific reason on the physical plane, it will be interpreted as a bad omen, normally, after that something bad will happen.
Now the most relevant and important is the interpretation that is made of these signals, sensations or intuitions because it will be through it that the corresponding future anticipation can be made.
The importance of omen in Ancient Rome
One of the synonyms of this term is augury and the origin of this term dates back to several centuries ago, since that of the omen or omen was an extremely common practice in the Ancient Rome.
The college of augurs, was the institution that in times of Roman empire it dealt with the interpretation of various signs that had the mission of anticipating what would happen in the future.
Storms, the singing of birds and their flight, and other climatic phenomena, were some of the events that the specialists of this club focused on in order to predict the future.
It is worth noting that the auguries that were anticipated in this school enjoyed a greater credibility than those that arose from other sources because it was a priestly college with prestige and consideration in these necessities.
Nobody doubted what was predicted in this school.
In these times the augurs, as the priests who professional and officially they practiced divination, they were extremely popular and their profession was one of the most prestigious of that time.
There were augurs who worked in the public plane and others in the private one and the position that corresponded to the public administration it was for life and was equated with other ecclesiastics.
To carry out their activity they were accompanied by special books, commentaries and rites and there were some who were dedicated to transmitting their wills to the gods through rites and others were engaged in deciphering the gods.
They had adopted this task from the civilization Greek and Etruscan.
Roman emperors were always very aware of omens and every sign they saw or sensation they felt was taken into account in order to know what would happen to them in this or that action.
In these times omens were considered certainly important and sacred matters.
They were listened to and respected, however, with the to run time and the advance of science and reason relegated them to the consideration of superstitions and they came to have a lower value.
Themes in Omen