Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Francisco Cano, on Oct. 2014
![The switchboards have always been advertised by companies as highly educated people. However, the reality is that rotations due to low salaries make it difficult to find competent people when such a service is called.](/f/11e59a6831aadf14b491386875e919f6.jpg)
The switchboards have always been advertised by companies as highly educated people. However, the reality is that rotations due to low salaries make it difficult to find competent people when such a service is called.
A call center is a call center or reception of calls. This term also refers to computing, to a program or team physical that meets the basic needs of technology for a center of this type to fulfill its function.
For a long time there has been a need to group the services of attention to the client of large corporations in a single office, plant and even a single building. The idea is to group many telephone lines in a single room, in this way you have the staff who serve the clients of a company grouped together and thus the team is informed of new regulations of the company and the work of the people who in these call centers is supervised works. Call centers usually consist of a technology called ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) that allows multiple lines to be assigned with a single line from which calls can be made. It can also be configured to receive calls.
At the beginning of the communications era over there beginning century there were some people, usually women, who were in charge of connecting with the office or Department specifically to people calling from outside the organization. With this method it was achieved that all the departments of a company were communicated by telephone without assign a particular number to each department or office, which would be very expensive for a organization. Due to the enormous amount of work that was generated for the girls in charge of the switchboards, these were automated until they reached the digital ones in today's modern world.
![Former switchboard, currently called a call center from where an incoming call was manually connected to the corresponding department of the company. It also did the same with outgoing calls.](/f/0f91e6968d341c266b7b5c3d8e2be436.jpg)
Former switchboard, currently called a call center from where an incoming call was manually connected to the corresponding department of the company. It also did the same with outgoing calls.
Call centers are usually made up of a central server with a database, which is accessed by the people who work in the center in order to offer a better service to the clientele they call or from whom they receive calls, whether for orders, claims, etc.
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