Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word frankness refers sincerity and therefore whoever has this quality will be characterized by an action and think honest, faithful, true, that will make us feel at ease because we can trust that it will not deceive us. “Thank you for your frankness, if you had not opened my eyes regarding the company's maneuvers, surely, I would have had problems. Maria's frankness is one of her main virtues.”
Virtue characterized by sincerity and honesty in acting and thinking
The person who has this virtue is called frank / o and will be highly valued on the social plane for having this tendency, inclination, in the way of being of it.
Frankness implies a type of behavior in which lies and falsehoods have no place to beMeanwhile, it is linked to other terms such as:simplicity, truthfulness, naturalness, spontaneity and honesty.
In favor of the truth and against deception and lies
In the frankness there is an intensity in favor of the truth, which it is decided to manifest openly and without conditioning from anything and anyone.
Meanwhile, this attitude and behavior of absolute manifestation of the truth should be towards others but also towards ourselves, that is, not to lie to ourselves with regarding what we really want in life, what we don't, our ideas, beliefs and desires, even if they are unpleasant for some, or are disapproved by a group.
Likewise, in those people who prioritize frankness there is a total and absolute I respect For the truth, that is, you will always act accordingly with what is said, never the other way around.
So, the opposite of frankness, what will be present when frankness does not mediate will be lie, falsehood and kink.
Meanwhile and hand in hand with frankness goes the honesty, which turns out to be precisely the quality of handling and expressing oneself frankly.
Always, the honest will worship the truth and will always dispose, both their acts, as their thoughts and relationships under this guide of the truth.
Influence of education and the values instilled by the family in childhood
It should be noted that frankness is a positive disposition that depends especially on the education that has been received, that is, an individual who was raised by his family Following examples of truth and honesty, without a doubt, you will observe this quality in your way of acting and thinking, on the other hand, whoever has been Educated on the basis of lies, deceit and fear, surely, he will naturally distance himself from frankness and be much closer to the cheated.
In addition, the importance of frankness lies in the fact that it can avoid situations unpleasantness such as fights, arguments and anguish that ultimately affect the mental development of a individual.
In life there is everything, good, bad, pleasant, unpleasant, frank and sincere people, and those who are not, with all these guys we interact and we can run into life, now well, finding people who worship the virtue of frankness will undoubtedly be an invaluable luck, not to mention if we ourselves worship that trend and we take it as a parameter of action in our life, surely, at the end of the road we will do better and we will be appreciated by our peers for being of this way.
It should not be considered that by telling the truth and being frank about what we think of something or someone we will harm another or harm the process of something, on the contrary, our sincerity will add positively, as long as, of course, the truths are told with respect and commitment to the neighbor.
Once the clarification is made, it is important that we do not forget to say that like any other virtue it is sometimes difficult to get in a belt for hundred, and it must also be exercised with wisdom and moderation as we indicated, because extreme cases of frankness can lead to cruel manifestations and the person get used to that unfiltered way of saying things, without thinking that on the other side there may be someone who takes it the wrong way and suffers for it.
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