Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2013
The word to find out is a term of job habitual in our language and that we use to account for different situations.
Something unknown is found
When something unknown is found it is spoken in terms of discovering.
“In Argentina they have just discovered archaeological traces dating back thousands of years.”
On the other hand, the word discover is used as synonymous with various terms, how to be from invention: “Juan has just discovered a formula to produce fertilizers; from to register: I discovered in a you a friend unconditional, thanks for everything!”
Knowledge of something that was unknown
Also, when something is known that was unknown until that moment and that especially generates surprise due to the characteristics it presents, indicates it through the term that occupies us.
“I started crying when I found out that my husband was cheating on me.”
Make known to the public
On the other hand, the make known to the public what was not knownLikewise, it can be referred to from the word discover.
“We found out that Mario has a much younger girlfriend, we couldn't believe it!”
Uncover something covered
To action of uncovering what is covered by somethingA blanket, for example, can be designated through the word discover.
“We discovered the title under an old sheet.”
And the act of taking off the hat when entering an enclosure It is also expressed through this word
There are a variety of synonyms linked to the various and mentioned senses of this word such is the case of: reveal, uncover, invent, explore and unmask.
Meanwhile, the word that directly opposes discovering is that of hide, which refers to keeping silent about what is known or preventing someone from knowing or seeing an issue.
It should be noted that, in addition, the word in question is closely linked to another concept of widespread use in our language, such is the case of discovery.
A discovery involves the observation original of a reality or event, which until that moment remained hidden or was simply unknown.
In history and science, the words discovery and discover have a recurring and very special use, since they are used to mention new events, the achievement of some remarkable theory, among others.
Scientific and historical discoveries that changed human history
In the specific case of science, we will speak of discovery when, for example, a scientist or a professional of medicine, among others, reach a remarkable and new finding about the cure or treatment of a disease serious that until then did not exist.
This type of discoveries, of course, which mark a milestone, a before and after in the history of science and the specialty in question, but also have a value immeasurable for humanity because, as we know, finding the cure or an effective treatment against a disease, without a doubt, implies a benefit for the good common.
Many diseases that centuries ago inevitably caused the death of the sick, today, no longer cause it because there was in their moment scientists or doctors who dedicated their lives to researching it and were able to find the cure or treatment with a vaccine.
All these discoveries have been immortalized in the history of humanity and science.
And on the other hand, in history, we cannot ignore the coverage that has been in geographical matters and that at the time meant a milestone too, such is the emblematic case of the discovery of a new continent that was ignored existed, America, by the Spanish navigator and expeditionary Christopher Columbus.
Columbus set sail from Spain in the 15th century with the permission and funding of the Catholic Monarchs with the mission of finding a route to the East that would allow better horizons to the Commerce of species, however, and against all odds it arrived on a new continent that would forever change its history, that of Spain and that of the natives of the American lands.
But beyond that coincidence of discovery, this event passed into posterity, and as we said, it marked a before and after for the new and the old continent.
It should be noted that many discoveries in the history of science have come by chance, because something else was being investigated and a magnificent discovery was reached.
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