Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
I know call particle to any very small part or body of something. Examples of particles that we can give are mineral grains and subatomic particles..
In the case of grain, it is because its entire structure is made up of very small elements, grains and that are almost imperceptible to the human eye. The size of the grain or particle can range from the smallest, such as a few nanometers, to several millimeters, but it never exceeds this average. The beaches give a good example of what I was saying, since they are made up of thousands and thousands of loose particles (grains), although at the same time distance and in a vision global give that sensation compact. When we approach and touch it we can verify this question.
Also, the term particle has a app absolutely different from the one mentioned above, since in the field of grammar It is common to use this word to designate those invariable parts of a sentence or those that serve to explain the relationships that exist between different phrases or the element used for the training of certain words
, as the term sub division, in this case, sub, will be particle. Themes in Particle