Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The word maladjustment is used to express the lack of adjustment or decompensation that manifests or exhibits something or someone.
For example, at the behest of a system, it is possible that when certain elements, parameters, get out of order, the Balance prevailing and that is what allows the good functioning of the same.
On the other hand, at the request of the psychology, when a person suffers from a disorder mental It will imply a clear imbalance, disorder, in his psychic faculties. In mental disorder, to cite a specific example, the individual who suffers from it will be affected by an alteration in their cognition and development and then their ability to reason, their habitual behavior, the recognition of reality and the adaptation to certain conditions of life will be affected. lifetime.
On the other hand, it may happen that the person suffers from imbalances as a result of some sudden change that he has suffered in his life, but then, after a given time, he may return to life. normal and overcome that mismatch.
When people travel far, from a continent to another, or even from one hemisphere to another, you will encounter abrupt time changes, for example passing from day to night, then, this issue will cause various maladjustments in your body that will put you uncomfortable. It is common for the person to not be able to fall asleep until several days after his body has adjusted to the new time zone and the same also happens with the change of season, when it abruptly passes of summer to the winter.
Among the synonyms that we use the most for this term, those of derangement and disturbance. Both agree on the expression of the absence or alteration of order.
Issues in Mismatch