Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
Plagiarism is a fairly common crime that is usually committed against the work of a renowned artist and that consists precisely in stealing it, in its essence, its form, its contents, his ideas, for later, the Author plagiarism, pass it off as your own.
Songs, movie scripts, works by theater, TV shows, books, inventions, brand logos, are some of the artistic productions that are often affected by plagiarism, that is, they are appropriated by other artists.
In almost all the cases just mentioned, cases of plagiarism are usually reported and that is why it is a crime that is usually measured normally in the courts of Justice.
When an artist discovers the plagiarism of one of his works, he can make a legal claim for the person who committed the crime to retract, stop promote the plagiarized work as their own, but of course, not always one plus one is two in this matter and sometimes the artists are not benefited by one judicial measure that protects them, or the recognition takes a long time to arrive as a consequence of the judicial times that in some cases They are long.
And obviously the time that passes directly undermines the recognition of the authorship of the work, since people will continue to recognize it as someone else's, when in reality this is not the case.
Beyond these considerations that we must make, it is also important that we emphasize that the artists are assisted by what is known asright From author, which are the set of rules that precisely ensure the rights that an author has over the work he creates. Even this right is recognized in the universal declaration of the human rights.
Then, any work that has been duly declared as its own by an author will enjoy all the scope of this right.
Each country has a legislation In particular in these cases, however, in almost all the penalties for plagiarizing someone else's work can range from applying a sanction criminal to the plagiarist and even the compensation economic to the affected artist.
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