Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Dec. 2008
It is known as insecurity to sensation or perception lack of security that an individual or a social group perceives regarding their image, their physical and / or mental integrity and their relationship with the world.
There are various causes and environments where you can refer to insecurity ...
Emotional insecurity
For example, The perception of insecurity is usually closely linked to the psyche and mental state of an individual. According to their experiences, experiences, relational environment and aspects of personality, an individual can feel more or less secure in front of the world regarding his image, his physical and mental characteristics and his identity. It is usually considered that those people who are most introverted or reserved with respect to their public image are those who suffer from some kind of disorder. insecurity or low self-esteem, for example, regarding his physical appearance or, for example, in relation to certain elements of his personality and / or form of thinking. However, many psychologists also interpret that an overconfident public image can intimately hide a state of dissatisfaction or insecurity with oneself.
It should be noted that in many cases this insecurity can lead to complex emotional states such as such as paranoia, excessive shyness that prevents relating to the environment or directly social isolation total. The greater the insecurity in this sense, the greater the isolation to which the person suffering from it is subjected.
Origins of emotional insecurity
Without exceptions, the specialists indicate that the lack of security in this aspect has its beginning during the childhood of the person and As a consequence, various defense mechanisms will be developed to defend against it, meanwhile, those Mechanisms will emerge every time the person feels threatened and will form a network about the individual that will then be difficult to unravel.
How to overcome emotional insecurity
There are no absolute recipes, however, psychotherapy It is one of the most effective alternatives when it comes to combating emotional insecurity. The therapist through daily encounters with the patient will bring him face to face with his insecurities and in this way, by facing and recognizing them without hiding behind psychological mechanisms, you can little by little overcome them.
Crime, the main source of social insecurity
On the other hand, in a social group, insecurity is often the product of the increase in the crime and crime rate, and / or of the malaise, mistrust and violence generated by the fragmentation of society. .
The crime is simply the violation of the law in force in a state of right and that it can manifest itself in different ways, although violence is very present in all of them.
Armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, are some of the most common crimes that human beings can do face and that of course, they exacerbate our feeling of insecurity, that is, they are closely linked to the experimentation of unsafety. When in a society cases of sexual attacks, robberies, among others proliferate, there will be a constant state of alert among the inhabitants and of course a lot of fear.
The other side: security
On the contrary, security could be defined as the state of calm, defense and protection in a society or in a group of citizens that, consequently, leads to a feeling of well-being common. In turn, the concept of citizen security can also refer to the practices of protection and defense of the citizenship by the State or the government, in order to transform an insecure or violent scenario into a socially harmonious one.
Globalization, the main current trigger of insecurity
In recent decades, as a result of the impact of globalization on the economic, political, social and cultural order, many societies in the world have been affected and fragmented. The cultural diversity and the migratory movements that are a result of these new scenarios have often contributed to creating environments where minority groups grow and marginalization increases. There is no longer a single social group belonging to a nation or region, but multiple collectives arise in different spaces, stimulating the lack of geographical and social belonging and encouraging suspicion, mistrust and the feeling of unsafety. In turn, developing countries have been hurt by excessive economic growth that favors certain sectors of the population and disadvantages large majorities mired in hunger and poverty. Lack of education, containment and resources lead broad social sectors to situations of alienation and violence that, in sum, contribute to the feeling of insecurity on the part of society as a whole.
Issues in Insecurity