Definition of emotional balance
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, in Mar. 2010
Balance between desires and the reality that is lived
It is called Balance emotional response to the appropriate emotional responses that an individual provides to the environment around him. Although the notion of adequacy may be somewhat vague, it is important to note that the imbalance is the consequence of a relationship between the subject and the environment that generates deep dissatisfaction. That is why the various schools devoted to the study of the human psyche give decisive relevance to the relationships that an individual establishes with their peers.
As a living organism, the human being is applied the notions of stimulus and response. In this way, each man daily performance brings a series of stressful situations to which he must react. If this reaction or response manages to evade or transform stress into something positive, the person will maintain a balance in their emotions; otherwise it will suffer its negative consequences that will translate into a maladjustment.
That is why emotional balance is very important to understand work, school, sports, etc. Of any individual.The key is to accept who we are and what we have
The mental health of a person is manifested when there is a balance between his desires and the reality that he lives, that is, when we live harmoniously with the environment and with the possibilities that life has given us in the psychological, economic and physical aspects. Putting it in simpler and more direct words, when we accept the family members we have and the relationships, good, not so good, very good or regular that we establish with them, when we do not resist those physical qualities that we have and those that we do not have, and Also when we accept the economic reality that graciously touches us, be it excellent, good or bad, then we will be in Balance.
All this that we mention implies accepting ourselves as we are, with our limitations of course, because nobody is perfect, no one has everything he ever wants, not the cutest, not the most tycoon or those who are not close to being both issues.
So when we achieve a healthy adaptation to that reality that has graced us, we will say that we are in emotional balance. Also, we must say that this is an adult position and the best we could have to find the emotional balance, because knowing the good and bad that we have, we continue forward in search of of the overcoming, that should be the attitude and the path to take.
It is also important that we mention that emotional balance is not something immovable, but on the contrary, it is constantly movement and for this reason it is necessary to take care of it every day of our life so that it does not suffer pronounced deviations that make us fall into states of serious imbalances. Of course there are more serious conditions than others and some can affect us temporarily and others remain, such is the case of depression, schizophrenia, to name some of the most currents.
We must also make it clear that the person with emotional balance is not one who does not suffer anguish, fears, depressions but that which is capable of maintaining the balance between its desires and its reality.
Emotional intelligence
In relation to the above is the idea of emotional intelligence, which focuses on the ability to recognize feelings own and those of others, as well as the ability to handle them. This implies the ability to motivate oneself, to maintain the commitment in the tasks undertaken, to overcome frustrations, to regulate the internal feeling, to momentarily defer gratifications, to avoid suffering affecting one's rationality, to trust others Y empathize with them.
An aspect to take care of in health
Nowadays, reaching a state of emotional balance is much more than a mere luxury, it is an aspect of health in general, and it is the most appropriate means to begin to face the challenges and daily responsibilities that are presented to us.
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