Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
The term 'elasticity' is used to refer to that capacity of physics that allows some elements change their shape according to whether they are under physical stress (i.e. stretching) or whether they are in their repose. Some materials have the property of being particularly elastic and are therefore used for elaboration of products in which this property is useful (for example, some fabrics that must adapt to the shape of a person's body).
Property of some elements to be able to change shape if they are under an external force and then recover their initial format
Elasticity is the ability of bodies to present deformations when subjected to external forces that can cause the mentioned deformations become irreversible, or failing that, they adopt their original form once the action of these forces He disappeared.
Elasticity is a property that applies to various elements both natural and artificial (that is, man-made). This property means that the element itself has a shape, a size and a certain type of traits in a state of rest that vary when stretched or put under tension. A clear example of elasticity is, as seen in the image, an elastic band that is made of rubber (a certainly elastic material). While at rest it has a specific shape and size, under tension it can enlarge, twist, wrinkle, etc.
Many elements such as paper, glass (in a cold state), cardboard, ceramics are elements that do not have elasticity. any and that in the event of tension or shock they are destroyed, losing their original shape and cannot be rearmed naturally.
Elasticity is a property that is also found in many organs, tissues and muscles of the organisms, this being related to the ability to grow and become elastic according to different situations. A clear example of an elastic organ is that of the stomach, which can increase several times its original size and then return to its rest state after the process of feeding. Normally, in the case of organs and muscles, elasticity has to do with a correct hydration since the absence of water (as happens with the skin) cracks and atrophy the different tissues.
Benefits that elasticity brings to the human body
There are many benefits that elasticity brings to our body and therefore it is very important that we carry out stretching routines that have the mission of recovering and maintaining it.
For those who train or perform some sport This exercise cannot be missed because it will undoubtedly improve performance.
Human beings are born flexible, with a tremendous elastic capacity, we just have to take a look at children and that fabulous elastic disposition that they present in all their movements, however, over time, if they do not exercise accordingly, unfortunately, losing.
Now, we must bear in mind that before performing the stretch we have to perform a mini pre-warm-up routine, you should never stretch while cold because it may cause some injury.
Among the varied and many benefits that stretching provides, we must mention the following: increased power, resistance, improved posture, efficiency in stretching. functioning joints, tendons and muscles, decreased risk of injury or other serious risks from falls, prevention of contractures, contribution of muscular relaxation, easy physical recovery, among others.
Economic elasticity
On the other hand, in economy we find the use of this word to designate the concept of economic elasticity, closely linked to the issue of prices since it implies the measurement of variation between the quantity of a product that has been sold and the variations that its price, increase or short.
One of the most commented premises in market economy It says that if the price of a product rises, the demand for it tends to fall while in the opposite case, that is, if the price of something goes down, then it will be more demanded.
Ability to adapt to a new situation
On the other hand, the concept of elasticity is often used a lot in common language to make reference to the ability of a person to adapt to a new situation or context.
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