Content Analysis Example
Writings / / July 04, 2021
The Content Analysis methodology is intended to formulate, based on certain data, valid and reproducible inferences that can be applied to your context. This type of study has been generalized and manages to analyze even the non-linguistic forms of Communication, of course, to be reliable, must be done in relation to the context of the data.
OBJECTIVE. Formulated in the infinitive. It must always be achievable and verifiable through quantitative-qualitative linkage.
Example: Analyze the treatment of the value JUSTICIA in the comic strip MAFALDA by Quino.
UNIVERSE OF ANALYSIS. Detailed description of the elements where the study will be carried out. Determine what part of the phenomenon will be studied.
Example: Book 10 years with MAFALDA. 100 comic strips made from 1964 to 1980 by Quino.
UNITS OF ANALYSIS. These are fragments of the universe, small nuclei with their own meaning, which must be classified and counted later. They can be determined in a global answer or in the division of terms or expressions. It is necessary to have a justification for them. Why will this unit of analysis allow me to achieve the objective?
a) Words.
b) Phrases.
c) Topics.
d) Measure.
e) Character.
Example: Issues related to the JUSTICE value dealt with in the comic strip MAFALDA by Quino.
CATEGORIES OF ANALYSIS. They are the indicators of the investigation and are determined as sets or classes of determined meanings, this process is called categorization. This stage is one of the most complex in content analysis and has specific rules for its application.
Homogeneity: there must be a logical relationship between the categories and the variables.
Utility: the total set of categories must be inclusive.
Mutual exclusion: there should be only one place to code the answers.
Clarity and specificity: they must be expressed in simple and clear terms so as not to leave room for interpretations.
CONCLUSION It presents partial conclusions of the study and a prediction based on the results.
Example: Mafalda de Quino's comic strips deal with various topics such as happiness, democracy, etc. Where the value of justice is presented through the manifestation of just acts (7 frequencies) to make them more evident and not making reference to unjust acts (4 frequencies) and in the situations of the story (7 frequencies) that are made more explicit in the case of vignettes than in dialogues (2 frequencies). There is also a concern for justice in the earlier comic strips than in the more recent ones. (September 20 1st. strip and October 2 2nd. strip).
Prediction: The Mafalda comic strip will continue to be the mouthpiece of justice in a society like Argentina in the 1960s with contexts and adverse social situations always through situations rather than dialogues, since it is a caricature that bets that images are worth a thousand words, in a society that uses all means of communication at its disposal?? in this case the strip funny?? to rescue a value that is in disuse - justice.