50 Examples of Loyalty
Miscellanea / / March 17, 2022
The fidelity It is the commitment that a person makes regarding an idea, another individual or situations that imply exclusivity and, in certain cases, repetition. It implies a deep connection between the subject and the object to which it is faithful. For example: follow a singer throughout his tour.
The word fidelity derives from the Latin little fidelitas which means 'to serve a god'.
It is considered a very appreciable moral value, since it implies others such as trust, sincerity, dedication and loyalty. A person who prides himself on being faithful must be willing at all times to stand firm against that decision, avoiding temptations or not falling into them. For example: the fan of a football team who goes to the games even at times when his team is having a bad sporting streak or when he does not agree with the players hired by the managers of the club.
fidelity in monarchies
In countries that had or have monarchies, the relationship of fidelity that the subjects have with their kings or monarchs is interesting. This connection implies the order or obligation of a person born in a kingdom to be loyal and constant in their practice of fidelity to the king of the day, even when he was despotic and unjust.
In this type of society, at the moment when that fidelity on the part of the people towards the kings was broken, civil disorders and the demand to change political systems ensued. A historical case is that of the King of France, Louis XVI, who was taken to the guillotine after his people rebelled against him, being one of the milestones that gave way to the beginning of the French Revolution.
Examples of fidelity
- Always be a fan of the same musical band throughout life.
- Deciding to be vegan or vegan and sticking with the decision throughout the years.
- Committing to a love relationship and not having other relationships.
- Work for a single company for a long time.
- Always buy in the same supermarket.
- Read all the books of an author and be aware of his new publications.
- Always be aware of the life of a close friend.
- Adhere to a political ideology and maintain it.
- Go to the same place to vacation every summer.
- Buy clothes in a special brand for a long time.
- Do the entire academic career at the same university.
- Live in the same neighborhood all your life.
- Frequent a certain restaurant.
- Keep the same haircut.
- Always travel with the same airline.
- Adopt a style to dress that is maintained over time.
- Specialize in a single field of study.
- Prefer one brand of milk over all others.
- Choosing the same flavor of ice cream over and over again.
- Have a single stylist and always go to him.
- Renew the car at a single dealership for life.
- Call the same plumber every time to fix household problems.
- Be aware of all the publications of a single influencer on social networks.
- Wear those old shoes that are very comfortable and never throw them away.
- Watch all seasons of the Friends series repeatedly.
- Turn to the trusted family doctor at all times.
- Study in the same school from first grade to the end of high school.
- Keep the same group of friends over time.
- See all the films of a film director and look forward to his next productions.
- Establish a specific exercise routine and follow it strictly.
- Always prefer to eat pasta over other foods.
- Keep the same phone number every time you change your cell phone.
- Never change banks since the first account is opened.
- Having the same person as a best friend for life.
- Never change the favorite color.
- Staying in the same hotel every time you go to a specific city.
- Read a journalist's column in the newspaper every Sunday.
- Use the same masseur every time.
- Practice a single sport uninterruptedly to stay in shape.
- Bet on a favorite horse during its lifetime of competition.
- See the final of the national soccer league every year.
- Support an athlete throughout his career.
- Be a volunteer or volunteer in the same charity for years.
- Support all endeavors of a close friend.
- Consume the same type of coffee.
- Attend church every Sunday without missing.
- Give your best every day when you go to work.
- Recycle everything you can to help the environment.
- Always vote for the same political party.
- Always act honestly.
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