100 Examples of Heptasyllable Words
Examples / / May 31, 2022
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The seven-syllable words are those that are composed of seven syllables. For example: decoder (de-co-di-fi-ca-do-ra), meteorological (meteorological), Latin America (La-ti-no-a-mé-ri-ca).
Words contain one or more syllables (those units of the spoken chain that consist of one or more sounds, whose nucleus is usually a vowel and that are separated from others by a short and inconspicuous pause).
Syllables are represented in written language by one or more letters and can be stressed or unstressed. The stressed syllables are pronounced more intensely within a word. The unstressed syllables they are pronounced with less emphasis than stressed syllables. For example: re (unstressed) – pre (unstressed) – sen (unstressed) – ta (unstressed) – you (unstressed) – saw (unstressed) – dad (tonic).
- See also: polysyllabic words
Examples of heptasyllabic words
- conditioners: a conditio na do res
- Hovercraft: a e ro des li za dor
- Aerodynamics: a e ro di ná mi ca
- air navigation: a e ro na ve ga tion
- Fortunately: fortunately
- agroecology: a gro e co lo gí a
- analogically: na logically
- Anesthesiology: a nes te sio gí a
- anti-capitalist: an ti ca pi ta lis ta
- Anticoagulant: an ti co a gu lan te
- unconstitutional: an ti cons ti tu tional
- anti-inflammatory: an ti in flam ma to rio
- antiparasitic: an ti para si ta rio
- About: about
- self determination: auto de ter mi na tion
- self-assessments: auto e va lua tio ns
- Motoring: auto mo vi lis ti co
- authoritatively: auto ri ta ria mind
- library science: library science
- Characterizers: characters
- cardiorespiratory: cardio res pi ra to rio
- Film: graphic film
- comparatively: com para ti va mente
- Consecutively: consecutively
- considerably: with yes de ra ble mind
- Cooperative: co o pe ra ti vis ta
- coordinated: co or di na da me te
- Correlatively: run the ti va mind
- correspondingly: you run mind
- chronologically: cro no logical
- Definitely: definitely
- democratizing: de mo cra ti za do ra
- shortage: you know the foundation
- unappreciation: de sa gra de ci mien to
- destabilize: de ses ta bi li zar se
- surreptitiously: say yes mu la da mind you
- Economically: e co nó mi ca mente
- electroacoustic: e lec tro a cus ti co
- Electrocardiogram: e lec tro car dio gra ma
- appliance: e lec tro do més ti co
- Electromagnetic: mag ne tic lec tro
- shrinking: start ing foundation
- Endocrinology: in do cri I did not turn it to
- Epidemiology: epidemiology
- Epistemology: e pis te mo i turned it to
- Strategically: es tra te gi ca mind te
- exaggerated: e xa ge ra dí si mo
- Phenomenology: fe no me no lo gí a
- geographically: geo graphically
- hydrogeology: hydro ge or turn it on
- hypersensitivity: hyper sen si bili ty
- Hypoallergenic: hypoallergenic
- humorously: humor ris ti ca mind
- identifier: i den ti fi ca to rio
- imperceptibly: im per cep ti ble ly
- Impermeability: im per me a bili ty
- Extempore: im pro vi si da mente
- Inaccessibility: i nac ce si bili ty
- Incompatibility: in compatibility
- unconditionally: unconditionally
- Regardless: regardless
- Indifferently: in dif fe ren te mind
- Immunodeficiency: immunodeficiency
- Needlessly: in ne ce sa ria mind
- numb: in sen si bi li zar se
- Instantly: instantaneously
- Institutionalize: ins ti tu cio na li zar
- Intercom: in ter co mu ni ca dor
- Internationally: in ter na tio nally
- Unwittingly: in vo lun ta ryly
- hopelessly: i rre me dia ble mente
- irreparably: i rre pa ra ble mente
- mostly: ma yo ri ta ria mind
- Meteorology: I heard you
- Microeconomics: mi cro e co not mi a
- Momentarily: mo men tá ne a mente
- Multi-disciplinary: multi dis ci pli na rio
- nanotechnology: na no tec no lo gi a
- neonatology: ne o na to gí a
- Neurophysiology: neuro fi sio gí a
- North American: North American
- Mandatory: o bli ga to ry mind
- Oceanography: o ce a no graph
- Paleontology: pa le on to lo gí a
- perpendicularly: per pen di cu lar mind
- Hastily: pre ci pi ta da mente
- predominantly: pre do mi nan te mind
- Rejuvenation: re ju ve ne f ement
- Reorganizations: re or ga ni za tions
- Responsibilities: res pon sa bi li da des
- Satisfactorily: satisfactorily
- Semicircumference: I know my circumstance
- Simultaneously: simultaneously
- Systematically: ma ti cal sys te
- Socioeconomic: partner e co nó mi co
- Telecommunication: te le co mu ni ca tion
- lieutenant governor: vi ce go ber na do ra
- video conference: I saw of or with faith
- Videophone: I saw of or I read you fo not
- Viticulture: i saw you i saw neither cul your ra
Types of words according to their number of syllables
Depending on the number of syllables they have, words can be:
- monosyllables. They have only one syllable. Generally, they never have a tilde, except for those that have diacritic tilde, that is, the orthographic sign that allows us to differentiate two words that are written the same, but have different meanings. For example: that/ what.
- bisyllables. They have two syllables. Are sharp when the last syllable is stressed (city-dad). Are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (plus-til).
- trisyllables. They have three syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (em-pe-czar). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (ga-nan-Inc). Are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (it-gi-co).
- tetrasyllables. They have four syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (pro-fe-sio-end). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (ex-pe-laugh-Inc). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (a-na-li-sis). Are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (gave-ga-me-lo).
- pentasyllables. They have five syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (or-ga-ni-za-tion). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (spice-lys-ta). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (es-pe-ci-fi-co). They are sobresdrújulas when the stressed syllable is before the penultimate (pla-ci-da-men-te).
- hexasyllables. They have six syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (dis-po-ni-bi-li-dad). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (ad-mi-nis-tra-you-vo). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (im-for-so-you-yes-mo). They are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (i-ma-gi-na-te-lo).
- Heptasyllables. They have seven syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (i-rres-pon-sa-bi-li-dad). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (an-ti-in-fla-ma-to-river). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (electrode-month-ti-co). They are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (co-mu-ni-dog-do-know-it).
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Syllable. In Spanish dictionary. Retrieved on May 21, 2022, from https://dle.rae.es/s%C3%ADlaba? m=form
- Royal Spanish Academy and Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. (2010). Spelling of the Spanish language. Spare.
Follow with:
- Stressed and unstressed syllables
- monoliteral syllables
- Acute, serious and esdrújulas words
- Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus
- simple and compound syllables