Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 12, 2022
Stylistics, as part of linguistic studies, describes and studies in depth the way in which the different types of language are constructed. text, also becoming the governing discipline of the way in which texts are constructed to fulfill different communicative functions.
Bachelor of Hispanic Letters
From the concept of stylistics, writing a political speech is not the same as writing an informative note, describing a landscape or telling a story. The linguistics points out the correct forms so that the resulting text meets the specificities of its type. Several ideas come to light when the text concept is discussed. Among the most prominent are the following:
- Fundamental unit of communication, product of human verbal activity and always has a social character. It is characterized by its semantic and communicative closure, as well as its coherence (AND. Bernández: Introduction to the linguistics of the text).
- Communicative linguistic unit, characterized by adequacy and communicative context, coherence and cohesion (
J. m. Castellá: From the phrase to the text).- It constitutes the network of linguistic units organized by the interrelation that marks the systemic code of the language. It is offered by a speaker-author to one or more interested listeners-readers (Vidal Lamiquiz).
According to Julia Sanmartín, a text can be a simple word, a poem, a newspaper article, etc. For its study it is necessary to consider its diversity, because this will depend on the type of text it is. The textual typology determines the kind of text we are dealing with, according to discursive marks that have to do with the lexicon, the ordering of words and phrases, the means used in their construction and the communicative function to which they respond.
Stylistics Background
The first ideas regarding style and linguistics come from classical antiquity, specifically from rhetoric. (The principles of elegant and correct speech, recognized by Aristotle in his Poetics and used by the Greeks). This was known in Greece as lexis and in Rome as elocutio, and meant that only model sentences and tropes suitable for the type of discourse that was intended to be constructed should be followed.
The concept of stylistics emerged towards the end of the 19th century with Charles Bally, who called it the stylistics of expression. and the problem of expression was raised, understood as the action of manifesting thought through language.
At the beginning of the 20th century the modern concept arrives, with a strong contribution from the Russian formalist school in this sense. These sought to explain and understand what was the essence of poetic texts. The ideology of the Russian Formalists was followed by the Prague school, which included context in the creation of texts.
Currently the tools used by stylistics are those of formal linguistic analysis and its objective is to isolate the characteristic uses and functions of language.
Main types of textual sequences
Among the best known and used textual sequences, are:
- Dialogue: it's a exchange of information between two or more interlocutors who jointly construct the discourse. It is the primary and most universal form of communication and occurs in all cultures. It is also the most important realization of orality, although it is also used in literature written (mainly in the genre dramatic).
- Exposition: is an explanatory text that appears in response to a question or issue that is intended to speak. leads to one hypothesis.
Normally definitions, classifications, exemplifications, analogies or citations are used. The content of this type are ideas, thoughts, opinions. In short, it is the discursive presentation of several thoughts about the same object.
- Argumentation: Seeks that the receiver ends up agreeing with the sender, accepting his ideas as true. Use various strategies to get the other to think of something. It has an antithetical character (by opposing a thesis to an antithesis) and has a structure of premises, that is, it launches arguments to arrive at a conclusion or conclusions.
- Description: informs about the state of things and supposes a mental representation of the world (imaginary or real). Linguistically, it is dominated by attributive phrases, adjectives, name complements and adverbs of place in some cases.
- Narration: tells and informs about facts and actions, placing them in a temporal and causal sequence. It is one of the most used forms of writing and consists of six elements temporality (all events take place on a timeline), thematic unit (the narrated events and actions follow one another around a theme), transformation of states (the protagonists of the story evolve psychologically), unity of action (the work in question focuses on a main action, leaving aside secondary actions) and causality (cause and effect relationships occur during the narration). This typology has many action verbs, especially in the past tense, since it tells about something that happened. Another important issue about the narrative is that it is characterized by raising and resolving conflicts during its development.
Roof, M.: Science (Semiotics) plus Stylistics (resurrection of the Author and resurrection of History) and New Criticism.Sanmartín, J.: The concept of text and its definitions.
Van Dijik, T.: Critical analysis of discourse and social thought.
Van Dijik, T.: The textual theory model.