Example of Using the S
Orthography / / July 04, 2021
The letters It is a letter that produces constant confusion when written, an example of that is placing the letter s in words such as:
- Excuse
- I explain
- Explosion
The use of s It can be confused with the letters "C" or the letter "Z" because their use can produce similar sounds. These errors are constantly repeated in the Spanish language.
The letters s they are used in words that begin in as, es, is, os, and us, with the exception of exceptional words such as left or Aztec.
Examples of use of the s:
- The boys from first B are about donkeys.
- With the blow my mirror
- The Island it is full of treasures
- That's a bear black
- excuse me you he has a key to that door
The letter s is used in initial syllables that end with the ending abs, cons, des, dis, obs, pers, subs, sus, trans, tras.
- That man is teetotaler, Well, he doesn't drink any alcohol.
- The Constitution It is the maximum law in Mexico.
- Go down to have breakfast, your plate is served.
- He seems like the disk it was scratched, it doesn't sound good.
- That boy was obsessed with his work
- Look how many people they are there.
- Be careful when subsidize workers, there may be strains.
- We are going to replace whole house wiring
- Get a conveyor, to get the correct angles.
- Today is Tuesday, you have to wash the frets.
It is used in words ending in is, such as:
- Crisis,
- Dose,
- Analysis,
- Thesis
- Paraphrase
- Synopsis
- Phirosis
As we mentioned at the beginning, the use of the s in the wrong way when applied in words like:
- Strange = Strange
- Estinga = Extinct
- Espose = Expose
- Explain = Explain
In adjective words, which indicate large quantities such as those ending in bear or osa:
- Night gloomy
- Day rugged
- Look blurry
- Strong man impetuosity.
Superlative adjectives ending in isthmus, isima, isimos and isimas are written with s.
- Is a man in love
- Is very serious at the hospital
- The circus clowns are hilarious
- The monkeys on TV are hilarious