The nouns They are words that are used to designate people, objects, animals, places, ideas and feelings. For example: andoh, andaguarete, ANDthere
Nouns can be:
The AND It is used very little in Spanish and, therefore, there are very few nouns that begin with this letter or that contain it. The Y can be pronounced as:
andhere | andorandeither | hockeyand |
andbirth | adandaccent | hoandeither |
andang | supportandeither | inandection |
andanta | riceandeither | jagüeand |
andapa | tie it upandto | joandto |
andburn | toanduda | youand |
andareand | toandsmearing | youandenda |
andtie | baandto | maandto |
andedra | baandoneta | maandonesa |
andeism | booandto | maandordomo |
andema | goodand | maandprayed |
andin | changeandto | maanduscula |
anderba | ACandeither | onomatopeandto |
anderno | cobaandeither | eitherandentity |
andmistake | convoand | paandaso |
andbeand | withandboom | silversideand |
andthat | coandhear | planandto |
andethi | coanduncture | plebsandeither |
andear | Aveandon | pléandbye |
andoga | curryand | proandection |
andogi | desaandone | proandecto |
andogur | desmaandeither | raandto |
andogurtera | disanduntiva | raandeither |
andor whatand | teachandeither | reand |
andeitherandó | epicandto | rugbyand |
anduan | espraand | subandugation |
andudo | andandection | Taandikistan |
andugo | ferrand | traandecto |
andugular | FiandYo | Threeandto |
anda what | fraand | Uruguayand |
anduxtaposition | guideandhere | vice versaand |
andorandto the | GuandAna | flyand |
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