Example of Employer Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The employer's letter is an official document issued by the company where we work, stating our personal data, salary, position, as well as company data; they also include information on whether there is any discount from our salary, such as alimony charges.
Example of Employer Letter:
(Name of the company), with RFC ________________, employer registration number _____________, and with Address at Calle __________ number ____ in the neighborhood ______________ municipality or delegation __________________________,
Through its human resources manager, (Full name), it states that
The worker:
(Paternal surname) (Maternal surname) (Name), with CURP number ___________________________, with social security number _______________,
He currently works in this company with the position of ________________________, since (Date from which the position is held).
Your current salary is $ ___________,
With the following deductions:
(Here are deductions and discounts such as alimony) $ ________
Receiving a total salary of $ __________
(Worker's signature) (HR manager's signature) (Company stamp)
The company or employer certifies that the worker's reference data is correct on the date of issuance of this employer's letter and states that all the data provided is true.