Ángel Zamora Ramírez in DefinitionABC
Miscellanea / / August 03, 2023
Graduated in Physics from the University of Colima. Master of Science in Engineering and Biomedical Physics graduated from CINVESTAV. Lover of scientific dissemination.
Main Articles
Vibrations are physical phenomena that we experience practically every day. When we travel in a vehicle we can feel the vibrations generated by the engine and those that result from its journey on the road. The musical instruments used to record the songs we love are basically vibrating strings and air resonating in cavities. […]...
The triangle is a geometric figure that for hundreds of years has intrigued various civilizations, to the point of being considered by many to be the perfect figure. The development of trigonometry is the culmination of several centuries of study of these geometric figures. Although at first it seems that trigonometry is limited to the approach […]...
In the atomic nucleus, neutrons play a fundamental role. The protons of the atomic nucleus, in addition to interacting through the strong nuclear force, also repel each other electrically because they have charges of the same sign. Neutrons provide an extra strong nuclear force that prevents protons from shooting out of the nucleus […]...
When the first blood transfusions were made from one person to another, doctors realized that while in some Sometimes the transfusion was successful and the patient improved, on others the transfusion created complications that led to the death of the patient. patient. It was later discovered that not all blood is actually […]...
Antimatter has many possible applications due to the large amount of energy it releases when reacting with ordinary matter. One of the applications that antimatter currently has is obtaining diagnostic images of the human body. The PET Scan uses positrons, which are the antiparticles of electrons, to achieve this goal. […]...
Solid, liquid and gas... Perhaps most of us are familiar with these three states of the matter, however, there is a fourth state of aggregation that follows from the gaseous state and that we often pass through high. It is about plasma, an ionized gas that we can find in stars, plasma screens, […]...
The lepton family is made up of the electrons that make up atoms, as well as muons and tau particles. Each of these particles has a type of neutrino associated with it. We are constantly being bombarded by neutrinos from the Sun and from supernovae. Brief history of leptons The first lepton […]...
The protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei are made up of particles smaller than the Today we know them as "quarks" and whose sum of their properties gives these particles their characteristics. subatomic. However, the path to discovering this atomic substructure took several years and […]...
All ordinary matter that we know of is made up of elementary particles known as fermions. If matter were a building, fermions would be the building blocks of it. Fermions also interact with each other thanks to bosons, these are the other type of elementary particles that exist and between both families they make up the Model [...]...
The photons that make up the light we observe, the gluons that hold atomic nuclei together, and the W and Z bosons that participate in radioactive decay and the Higgs boson that gives matter mass belong to the same family of particles elementals Bose-Einstein statistics In terms […]...
Authors at D.ABC
Degree in Psychology, graduated from the National University of Mar del Plata. Currently, a Postgraduate student in Human Sexuality: clinical and educational sexology based on the Gender and Human Rights Perspective.
Degree in Physical Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History. Master in Anthropology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, he is studying the PhD program in Anthropology at UNAM. Among her topics of interest are human migrations, genetic anthropology and indigenous peoples of Mexico.
Graduated in Physics from the University of Colima. Student of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics at Cinvestav.
Professor in Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Performance in the field of teaching and research, in areas of Contemporary Philosophy.
Graduate in Environmental Sciences and Master in Geography from UNAM. She conducts research on historical mining, historical-GIS, and historical mapping.