Pedro Gómez Molina in DefinitionABC
Miscellanea / / August 03, 2023
Graduate in Environmental Sciences and Master in Geography from UNAM. He conducts research on historical mining, historical-GIS, and historical mapping.
Main Articles
It arises from a necessity in the geographical task; the researcher must not only know the location of his object of study, he has to ask himself the origins of it, that is, how is it that human settlements and their activities have configured the territory that is watching. In the words of one of the foremost cultural geographers of the […]...
In its general sense, conservation constitutes practices based on keeping something as close as possible to its original state, understanding the variables and needs of use of each case, with respect to which there may be a set of technical/scientific/legal guidelines based on experiences, factors, and/or forecasts. In the case of […]...
Man has always had the need to know his space, its extension, how to get to certain places, not only out of curiosity, but also to have an advantage based on knowledge of the place. Therefore, this way of interpreting the world has always been in history, it is where cartography arises. The oldest maps […]...
The concept of landscape arises from two connotations in two languages, Romance and Anglo-Saxon. For the first, of Italian origin —and which later had variants—, paesaggio, it was used from the 16th century for paintings, that is, seen from an aesthetic perspective as a way of appreciating the world. However, you have to […]...
Regions must have one or more determinants that differentiate them from others. Therefore, as an area of analysis or study, it focuses on the coincidences and divergences of the physical environment and the human occupation that allows it to identify itself. You can have a defined boundary, for example, an electoral region for vote counting, […]...
Principles It represents a historical legacy, framed by hierarchical structures and normative dispositions in a determined time and space, so that The territory is the physiographic environment where life materializes, characterized by the physical environment and the epistemic, that is, how man perceives his world. From the set of social relations, […]...
Authors at D.ABC
Degree in Psychology, graduated from the National University of Mar del Plata. Currently, a Postgraduate student in Human Sexuality: clinical and educational sexology based on the Gender and Human Rights Perspective.
Degree in Physical Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History. Master in Anthropology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, she is studying the PhD program in Anthropology at UNAM. Among his topics of interest are human migrations, genetic anthropology and indigenous peoples of Mexico.
Graduated in Physics from the University of Colima. Student of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Physics at Cinvestav.
Professor in Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Performance in the field of teaching and research, in areas of Contemporary Philosophy.
Graduate in Environmental Sciences and Master in Geography from UNAM. He conducts research on historical mining, historical-GIS, and historical mapping.