Importance of the 1917 Constitution of the United Mexican States
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
At some stage of their education, Mexican students have to become familiar with the nation's constitutional text, which has been in force since 1917. Thus, in the third article it is indicated that the public education system is secular and free and in article 27 it is specified that the state has full rights over the land and water of its territory and the concession of exploitations will be carried out in the terms established by the nation.
Another of the relevant sections is the inclusion of a series of labor rights for workers (right to strike, to equality of salary when the same work activity is carried out or during the rest day).
These articles refer to three fundamental aspects: education, ownership of public goods and workers' rights. In this framework, from a perspective The Magna Carta of 1917 is considered one of the most advanced of its time.
Apart from the relevance of some articles, from the historical point of view the Constitution from 1917 is the oldest in the Latin American context.
The hegemony of the PRI in political power was born as a consequence of the constituent process prior to the promulgation of the Magna Carta
The soldiers who emerged victorious after the revolutionary period were the main promoters of the constituent congress in which the final text was debated.
The Constitution of the Mexican nation was promulgated on February 5, 1917 and a constituent process was previously produced for its elaboration. In this sense, Venustiano Carranza was the key character in this period and the Porfiristas, the military defeated in the revolutionary period, were not present in the debates on the proposal constitutional. For some analysts, this circumstance has determined the hegemony of the PRI and the absence of political counterweights in the history from Mexico.
In others words, the authenticity of the democratic system has been questioned, as there have been elections democracies over time, but opposition movements to the PRI have played a role testimonial.
A document that served as inspiration for other nations
The recognition of the labor and social rights established in the Constitution of 1917 was a breakthrough in the global context. For this reason, the German constitution of the Weimar Republic of 1919 and the Italian constitution of 1947 were inspired by the Mexican Magna Carta.
Likewise, some studies highlight certain similarities between the Spanish Constitution of 1931 and the Mexican Constitution of 1917, such as the separation between church and state or secular education.