Importance of Phonoaudiology
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
He value of speech therapy is its great impact on the quality of life of people who suffer from conditions that affect their hearing and speech, conditions that if left untreated would profoundly limit their ability to communication.
It provides support to both children with congenital disorders that present from birth and that affect their ability to communicate. Either due to alterations in the structures of the auditory system or the speech system, as well as other disorders that affect cognitive ability and Therefore, they indirectly compromise communication, as is the case with disorders that present with a certain degree of mental retardation, such as down.
This discipline It is also of great importance for the treatment of people who spoke and heard normally but who developed some type of difficulty or even lost this capacity as a result of the aging process or the presence of some injury.
What is speech therapy?
Integra a multidisciplinary health team that supports the patient with speech and hearing disorders
after these are diagnosed by an otolaryngologist or neurologist. This team always strives for early intervention to identify and treat these disorders, which will result in better patient outcomes.In the case of children, speech therapy provides tools that contribute to their normal growth and development.. Although hearing and speech problems can often be associated, hearing disorders may occur in isolation. In this case, the child can benefit from these tools to develop a skill that is not directly compromised.
Tools that are available to us
Phonoaudiology has a wide range of studies that allow early diagnosis conditions such as hearing loss. This discipline allows others to correct these disorders through various interventions including:
Devices to increase sensitivity to sounds. These mainly include hearing aids, frequency modulated devices and cochlear implants, the latter devices are placed through surgery).
Hearing rehabilitation, especially in people with injuries related to acquired disorders of the hearing nervous system such as cerebrovascular accidents that cause lesions in the brain areas that regulate language, as well as in the case of degenerative bone disorders such as the involvement of the joints between the ossicles located in the middle ear.
Language therapy, both in children with speech disorders and in adults affected by nervous system lesions.
Improvement of the voice in whom the voice is their means of work (teachers, announcers, singers, among others).
Images: Fotolia – Zentangle, Graph