Importance of Consciousness
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
It understands the deepest intimacy of a human being, that place to which nobody, except oneself, can access and where the deepest and most relevant thoughts are raised.
That intimate space where thoughts, reflection, and moral values interact
Although each person can decide to open that space to another, it is impossible for everything that flows there to cross its limits, something always remaining in the most absolute privacy.
It is normally linked to the deepest thoughts, therefore, if someone needs to find the answer to any transcendental question of his life that he cannot find, he must delve into right there, and on the other hand, it is associated with reflection inside.
The people we are then able to examine our conscience and after that choose an option, which normally and before, competes with others generating a complex internal struggle, and on the other hand we are capable of making a balance on the behavior in some situation or concrete fact.
A voice that remorse when we do not follow or listen
That study It can be positive and leave us calm and happy, or, on the contrary, it can cause us remorse and deep anguish, because we did not act properly, that is, following the values that are sustained, and that are the ones that accompany us and have been learned as children.
It is extremely important to be consistent with yourself to be at peace
In this situation of direct contradiction between what was done and what is thought that in reality should have been The fact is that the conscience worries greatly, and on many occasions it can prevent the person from doing it. suffers be happy, or continue in the same way it was before going through that situation.
Surely more than once we have heard people speak in terms of: "you must listen more to your conscience", and precisely when this is not does, and acts impulsively contrary to the deepest beliefs that are held, is that clearly we have not stopped to listen to us
Getting carried away by the demands or sayings of others is usually the most frequent cause that cancels out the voice of our reason, preventing us from hearing it clearly, because of course, there is another voice that imposes itself stronger, and we also we allow.
Give yourself space and time to reflect
Making decisions calmly and with a clear knowledge of their advantages and disadvantages is the best way to avoid making mistakes.
We live in a frenetic present where everything that is done, he says, and is demanded does not have waiting times too long, and this is precisely where one can make mistakes that mortify one without perceive it.
Listening to ourselves more and silencing when appropriate the outside world that confuses, is a positive and effective way out.
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