Importance of Neuroscience
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Neurosciences, as a focal point for the study of chemical, physical and even ecological phenomena between neurons, are putting on the table the key pieces in the puzzle that comprises the universe of the mind, both human and other animals and with the most recent incorporation of plants, through which important discoveries have been made such as: 1) the existence of neuroregeneration; 2) the organization and mechanisms of the senses; 3) the relationship between emotions and physical reactions; 4) the roles of brain areas; 5) the action of one's own and external chemical substances on the nervous system and mind; and 6) understanding the developmental processes of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and conditions of traumatic origin, for the creation of increasingly effective treatments on these; At the same time, contributions are also generated in many other factors that determine the neurological processes involved in each one of the activities of thought in its three different levels.
For centuries the mind has been one of the greatest study challenges that great philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and even educators have occupied. The need to understand how the brain works and the corresponding ability to generate thought have driven the advance scientific and technological, towards the development of a field that manages to obtain increasingly revealing and useful information for an endless number of other areas.
understand the mind
The importance that the role of the mind plays in the new digital era became the catalyst for the search for processes conscious, unconscious and subconscious that influence reactions and decision-making, knowledge of which today companies get the most out of new technologies, through the algorithms they develop based on what they want to obtain of your audience.
This same applicability of neurosciences has completely transformed the world of sales, for example. How information from various languages is captured by the senses, stimulating and conditioning the responses generated by the processing center brain, is a whole package of neuroscientific knowledge that has found its most advantageous reason for being in the world of digital marketing, by being able to understand the mind of consumers to reveal their true deepest needs, even above what the person himself could know about himself, establishing In this way, the strategies and resources that allow increasing the success of sales, by being able to connect the product with the potential buyer at a higher level. intimate and emotional
Neuroplasticity to move forward
Another contribution has been the discovery of the neuroplastic capacity of the brain, that is, the potential that the brain has to modify structurally and physiologically, to adapt to the change of stimuli to which it may be more exposed prolonged.
This fact has allowed the transformation of the educational field in terms of the development and promotion of teaching systems, oriented towards the increased learning potential and the inclusion of adults and the elderly, in the experience of continuing to learn and developing new skills, with which to promote their personal and professional development, thus breaking down the strong barriers that limited educational access also for people with different types and levels of disabilities, considering that they would not be able to overcome their own limitations.
Learning with less effort
The excuse adopted by the majority of the educational systems to avoid the increase in their own expenses, by requiring a greater investment of resources in those who presupposed they were not going to be able to productively compensate said expense, it has been replaced by a well-deserved inclusive and liberating vision of knowledge, thanks to the opportunity to consider the importance of neurosciences through the information that it is capable of offering for the maximum use of the neural abilities that allow us to learn.
Based on this, there have already been thousands of teaching-learning strategies and resources that have been adopted and those that continue to be experimented with to make it increasingly efficient, easy and The assimilation of knowledge is even fun, through didactic experiences that involve the capture of information, making use of the stimulation of all possible senses. and a deep emotional connection, guiding humanity towards the development of an ever higher state of self-awareness, which has in turn fostered the growing interest in constant training in a self-taught way, and if we have increasingly educated and mentally skilled people, we can also enjoy a healthier and more conscious society in all its aspects.
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