Importance of Social Movements
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Social movements are manifestations of a collective type that have some degree of repercussion in the way in which society develops at a specific moment.. In some cases, the social movements they can be extremely relevant in terms of the changes they can bring about, generating a break in history and leaving a legacy of enormous importance for the future; An example of this can be found in the French Revolution, a revolution that meant an abrupt break with a class society and that gave rise to bourgeois values and a democratic and republican conception of policy. Each era has its social movements, but only on some occasions they have a transcendence of this position.
In a society, changes are far from sudden, they take shape over the years and at some point they burst to the surface. This is how the climate is being prepared at different levels, such as philosophical, political, economic, etc. When these new conceptions regarding the behavior that society should have are assimilated by the majority of the
population, there comes a point where there is a concrete expression in new institutions and new forms of organization. It is important to consider that not necessarily the social movements they have a definitive character; there are many cases where a new value coming from society that is expressed in new institutions is finally eclipsed by the passage of time. An example of this circumstance may perhaps be offered by communism.The social movements many times they are led by smaller groups that are in charge of making new ideas known, to maintain values that could be considered novel or little considered within a group human. In these cases there is what could be conceived as a critical mass of individuals who will have a leading role in what will later be greater social acceptance.
There are enormous aspects of our daily life that today we take as something normal and that in reality were the consequence of social movements which in some cases implied processes of great conflict. The democracy, labor rights, division of powers They are all possibilities that crystallized thanks to different social movements. It is to be expected that this circumstance will continue to manifest itself over time, although it is still difficult to see what type of relevant change could take place in this regard in the future.
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