Importance of Cultural Customs
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
In each territory there is a dominant culture. This implies that a group of inhabitants share a whole series of customs. When referring to cultural customs, we are referring to a wide range of realities: gastronomy, folklore, lifestyle, traditions, beliefs, etc.
All this makes up "a whole" that represents a way of living. To be part of a community it is essential to know what their cultural customs are, where they come from and what they imply.
Respect for the different
If an individual is part of a community, he will have no difficulty in accepting the rules of coexistence and the customs of his environment. However, a foreigner who visits a place must take into account that the customs of its inhabitants may be very different from their own. Faced with this reality, it is advisable that the foreigner try to adapt to the new social and cultural framework.
Its adaptation will allow it to integrate into the territory and will facilitate the communication. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will feel left out and uncomfortable. The key to a correct
integration It is based on respect and tolerance.Different ways of understanding life
Human beings are alike in many ways. In this sense, we all have to satisfy a series of basic needs and we all share one feelings very similar. However, each town has its history, its legends, its conflicts and, ultimately, its own way of understanding life.
For a member of the Jewish community, the Sabbath has a sacred value and for a non-Jew it is another day of the week.
For a Muslim, giving alms is a precept of Islam and for a non-Muslim it is a simple act of charity.
For an Australian aborigine, soccer is a sport that is played with the feet and with a ball, while for a Brazilian this same activity is a symbol of his National identity.
These simple examples remind us that the cultural references of others are just as valid as our own. In principle, it is not correct to speak of good and bad, normal or rare customs, since they all have roots and meaning.
Different customs should not be interpreted as a problem or a possible conflict. In reality these differences reveal the richness of human culture.
The common elements that make up the cultural customs of a people
Language, history, climate and religion are some of the main axes on which the cultural identity of a people is built.
A language is much more than a vocabulary and a set of expressions, and the language conditions the way of thinking of an individual and a community.
The history of a community refers to a legacy that is present in all kinds of cultural manifestations (popular festivals, clothing, traditions...). The climate of a territory is decisive when establishing behavior patterns.
The dominant religion in a community is of vital importance to understand the mentality and values โโof a people.
As stated at the beginning of the article, pieces of a puzzle that form "a whole", or more precisely the identity and roots of a person.
Images. Fotolia. Iraida_Bearlala โ JC
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