Importance of the web
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The web (in Spanish red) is usually used as a synonym for the Internet or as a synonym for a specific site within the Internet, then referring to the web as a website or internet page.
Its name comes from the acronym WWW (world wide web), and we are not exaggerating if we say that it has been the greatest technological and social advance of the 20th century and beginning of the XXI. Its importance lies in the fact that it allows anyone in the world to communicate virtually with another person, or with content that interests them, and all this without implying direct physical contact. Thus, not only can experiences, knowledge, economic assets be shared... but it can also be done with millions of people as potential recipients. The web as we know it is based on two main principles: it is universal (anyone can access it as long as they have an internet connection) and it is free to access (even though there are services payment).
It is enough to stop for a moment and meditate on the implications that this has in the life of each one to realize its importance. In the economic field, for example, a seller could sell his product to the whole world, thereby multiplying his possibilities and potential customers. The same is true for a buyer, who can get lower prices and choose comfortably without leaving home among hundreds of options. The same would happen in
advertising, specialized companies, carrying out procedures, education... Some have even compared the arrival of the internet with the invention of the telephone, electricity or even the writing.On a personal level, thanks to the calls social networks, users of any site can share common interests, be it videos, music, games, data or simply share greetings. In addition, you can receive messages or emails instantly, eliminating waiting times, avoiding possible delays in delivery... etc.
The web has evolved, and a lot, since its creation, becoming essential for an average computer user. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a serious company that does not have a presence on the net, with its own website. The same with almost all public organizations and, on a personal level, it is also difficult to find people outside the network of networks and who can or know how to live detached from it. Who has not searched for information, or has an email account, or a public profile?
This last fact, that of its universality, is precisely what poses the greatest problems for users. Privacy on the internet is, no matter how many precautions are taken, rather scarce, and on many occasions your data travels between hundreds or thousands of companies, which store them to create global profiles and then sell them to companies that request them, creating a kind of black market advertising. These methods, although lawful, raise certain moral issues about the privacy of the Internet user as a person.
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