Characteristics Of The Periodic Table
Chemistry / / July 04, 2021
The periodic table is a platform created to bring the record of chemical elements that have been discovered and identified so far.
This classification was initiated and designed by Dimitri Mendeleyev, who cataloged in a table the elements that existed identified in their time, exposing them in the most appropriate and simple way possible.
Due to the discovery of new elements and the need to classify them, other scientists such as Alfred Wenner modified and improved the table started by mendeleyev, adding the elements and various distinctive elements that make up the characteristics of the periodic table current.
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The characteristics of the periodic table are as follows:
Element divisions in the periodic table
The periodic table is divided into:
- Alkali metals.
- Alkaline earth metals.
- Transition metals.
- Boron group.
- Carbon group.
- Nitrogen group.
- Chalcogens.
- Halogens
- Noble gases.
- Lanthanides or rare earths.
- Actinides.
Periodic table order
The order of the periodic table is done by “periods", These periods are the rows of the periodic table.
These groups are formed by the elements that have similarity between them.
The number or atomic number is the number added to each element and they are ordered according to the number of protons contained per element.
Mass of elements
This is the name established based on the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of each element.
The colors are used to separate the types of elements that exist and are yellow, orange, green, blue, red, purple and lilac.
These are the number or quantity of electrons that an atom contains at an energy level.
The elements of the periodic table are as follows:
- Hydrogen.
- Helium.
- Lithium.
- Beryllium.
- Boron.
- Carbon.
- Nitrogen.
- Oxygen.
- Fluorine.
- Neon.
- Sodium.
- Magnesium.
- Aluminum.
- Silicon.
- Match.
- Sulfur.
- Chlorine.
- Argon.
- Potassium.
- Calcium.
- Scandium.
- Titanium.
- Vanadium.
- Chrome.
- Manganese.
- Iron.
- Cobalt.
- Nickel.
- Copper.
- Zinc.
- Gallium.
- Germanium.
- Arsenic.
- Selenium.
- Bromine.
- Krypton.
- Rubidium.
- Strontium.
- Ytrio.
- Zirconium.
- Niobium.
- Molybdenum.
- Technetium.
- Ruthenium.
- Radio.
- Palladium.
- Silver.
- Cadmium.
- Indian.
- Tin.
- Antimony.
- Tellurium.
- Iodine.
- Xenon.
- Cesium.
- Barium.
- Lanthanum.
- Cerium.
- Praseodymium.
- Neodymium
- Promecio.
- Samarium.
- Europium.
- Gadolinium.
- Terbium.
- Dysprosium
- Holmium.
- Erbium.
- Thulium.
- Ytterbium.
- Lutetium.
- Hafnium.
- Tantalum.
- Tungsten.
- Rhenium
- Osmium.
- Iridium.
- Platinum.
- Gold.
- Mercury.
- Thallium
- Lead.
- Bismuth.
- Polonium.
- Astat.
- Radon.
- Francio.
- Radio.
- Actinium.
- Thorium
- Protactinium.
- Uranium.
- Neptunium.
- Plutonium.
- Americium.
- Curium.
- Barkelium.
- Californium.
- Einsteinium.
- Fermio.
- Mendelevium.
- Nobelio.
- Lawrencio.
- Rutherfordio.
- Nobnio.
- Seaborgio.
- Bohrio.
- Hassio.
- Meiterium.
- Darmstadtium.
- Roentegnio.
- Ununbio.
- Auntrium.
- Ununquadio.
- Ununpentium.
- Ununhex.
- Ununseptio.
- Ununoctio.