Importance of Geology
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
geology is the discipline in charge of studying the particularities of the Earth. It is of enormous relevance because it can be very useful for various human activities, activities related to the extraction of certain resources. minerals, energetic resources, water resources, etc. The geology It is also aimed at understanding various phenomena that occur in the earth's crust and from this knowledge to avoid some humanitarian tragedies that follow the appearance of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves etc In some cases the geology It has also made it possible to unravel some mysteries of the history of the planet and of life itself, a circumstance made possible thanks to the testimonies recorded inside the rocks.
The geology Its roots go back to ancient Greece, but only from modern times can we speak of a significant resemblance to current trends in this matter. Certainly, this is the time when there is significant interest in the development of various sciences in line with the interest that from the economic point of view they can reach have. The
geology It had a long journey from this moment, generating various theories that explain the most important phenomena inside the Earth.One of these theories is the so-called plate tectonic theory. It establishes that the earth's crust is composed of different plates that "float" on a sea of magma or molten rock. These plates are far from being static, that is, they move in different directions, causing a separation and a collision between them in the process. The importance of plate tectonic theory is the fact that it explains a series of terrestrial phenomena that are of extraordinary importance. For example, the theory explains the training of large mountain ranges (as a consequence of plate collision) as well as the oceanic ridges (as a consequence of the separation of plates and the emergence of magma that solidifies in contact with the water.
Incredibly, the geology, being a science in charge of the study of the terrestrial soil, has also been used for understanding, or at least speculation, about phenomena that occurred on distant planets. Indeed, some processes that make up the soil are of a universal nature and in this sense the geology can make contributions to understand relevant aspects of other planets similar in some circumstances to the planet Earth. A significant example is the set of investigations carried out on Mars, the red planet.
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