Importance of Creativity
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
The development of human society has been based on the creative potential of those who dedicated themselves to materializing their ideas, as well as finding answers to problems/needs. In this sense, everything that does not have a strictly natural origin has been the product of human creativity and hence its outstanding importance for our own evolution as a species, allowing us: 1) a highly technological development complex; 2) the ever deeper understanding of natural phenomena; 3) the generation of knowledge; and 4) the development of linguistic, cultural and semiotic mechanisms to communicate everything we want; therefore, from art to the possibility of finding the remains of the Big Bang, they are all achievements of human creative potential.
Creativity is one of the most important and useful capacities of the human being. This is so because it allows you, precisely, to create and invent new things, objects, elements from what already exists in the world. The idea of creativity comes precisely from the previous idea of "creating", for which the act of inventing or generating something new is always linked to a greater or lesser degree with the use of the mentioned ability. If we take into account that the human being is characterized by adapting the
Creativity arises in the human being mainly as a method of subsistence. Because? Because man has had to understand throughout time and history that the problems that were presented to him could be solvable and that for everything it was worth looking for an alternative, something new, a solution that would allow him to continue forward. This happened when approximately in 8500 a. c. The human being learned to cultivate the seeds that he used to collect and thus managed to revolutionize history but also to improve his life and ensure his subsistence.
Evolution and progress of human doing
Creativity as a resource oriented towards finding answers and solving problems has allowed the generation and evolution of science from philosophy and engineering from the intention of optimizing processes through their mechanization, with tools capable of performing increasingly complex functions in order to reduce the the need for human physical effort, in addition to overcoming the limited productive capacity available when doing things manually, however, both the machine and the product he manufactures, are the direct work of the creative potential of the human mind, a gift that artists with special particularity manage to take advantage of to assume a more independent.
On the other hand, it applies to the ability to interpret the phenomena that surround us, a quality that has allowed the creative emergence from assuming nature itself. both as a source of inspiration and of the necessary resources to carry out the suggested transformations according to the creativity of each one, a phenomenon that gives it a individual and subjective character with which the Being itself is distinguished, therefore, creative talent can well be assumed as a unique, authentic and own experience of each person and, in turn, adaptable to the individual desires of the level of progress that can be provided for himself and others, becoming more and more frequent the adoption of teams work aimed at the creative development of potentially more complex ideas, in order to incorporate as many perspectives as possible to guide their development. materialization.
top internal connection
In a more intimate aspect, dedicating ourselves to the development of our own creativity allows us to connect with the higher levels of the functioning of our mind, because it is the product of the functioning of its Alpha states, allowing us this activity to maintain ourselves for longer and with greater ease at those levels highly productive mental health, which in turn brings benefits to mental health in general, such as the development of a higher state of self-awareness and the harmonization of thoughts, hence the arts are taken into account as a complementary therapeutic resource before adversities-conditions.
From the abstract to the concrete
Having an idea is not a guarantee of achieving its materialization and turning it into a tangible fact or a material object by itself, but rather depends on a large number of factors, something that the great visionaries have also devoted themselves to teaching us through the authentic values of which creativity is accompanied to render someone successful in life, above the enormity that their idea.
Creativity healthily stimulated and duly oriented by perseverance and constant training in the knowledge and techniques necessary for its concretion become the perfect set of resources that allow anyone to transcend circumstances, no matter how critical they may be. they could be, and precisely these states of self-improvement are the ones that have historically prevailed in the face of the various crises that humanity has faced, allowing those who make the most of their creativity to overcome adversity by becoming self-sufficient, autonomous and a true example for others to follow. who surrounds him
Creative people are the ones who seek the most solutions to life's problems.
It is normal to think that only the one who writes the lyrics of a song is creative, the one who paints a new work every day of art, who has the facility to generate melodies from nothing, who builds architectural pieces wonderful. Reality tells us that creativity is present in many things because the creative is constantly looking for solutions to new problems that arise every day. Creativity is always based on an abstract and not a concrete idea that can be inspired by existing things, objects or situations. Thus, creativity means working with what we already have at our disposal but transforming it (to a greater or lesser extent) to create something completely new with it. Creativity is, at the same time, an abstract projection of something that can be built, which is why it always implies a exercise to look towards the future through that element that is created.
However, it is clear that there are people who have a much more developed sense of creativity. Usually, they are the ones who pay attention to their feelings, their opinion, what surrounds them, their imagination. Also creative are people who manage to find alternatives to an action in response to a stimulus, for example a footballer who knows that he will lose the ball if he kicks it from a point far from the goal and must then find another way to play The goal. There are studies carried out by specialists from the University of California that establish that sleep is In other words, the correct sleep makes people 60% more creative and allows the imagination to develop better.
This is why creativity is an essential trait of the person and although there are some personalities that may have a more developed than others, we are all in some way capable of creating and inventing new things, ideas or reflections taking into account the cultural baggage already existing.
Bassat, L. (2014). The creativity. Connect.
Bohm, D., & Peat, D. (1988). Science, order and creativity. Kairos, Barcelona.
Guilera, L. (2020). Anatomy of creativity. Marge Books.
Sternberg, R. J., & O'Hara, L. (2005). Creativity and intelligence. CIC. Information and Communication Notebooks, (10), 113-149.
- Leidy Johana Restrepo AlzateMar, 2022
In relation to reading, creativity is a very important factor since it allows us to advance in all aspects of life, it takes us out of the routine, annoying and boring and makes us capable of facing problems and looking for pleasant solutions to said life situations daily.
- laura groveApr, 2022
Good night
Creativity is like the image we project as human beings, based on being analytical, builders of ideas, develop and promote circumstances to achieve an objective or a project of life.
Imagination are pillars of the near future. - Kily Yohana HiguitaJun, 2022
Good evening, creativity has evolved over time to make certain work or activity easier to carry out in the shortest time.
- Martha Cecilia Zapata LopezAug, 2022
Regarding reading, for me creativity is a talent that human beings have with the ability to invent new things, adapting to the needs that arise and solving obstacles.
- Maria Fernanda Salgado MendezOct 2022
Regarding reading, I believe that creativity is part of life because in everything we do and think we are having creativity and every day everything in the daily life of each person evolves because every day we are looking for alternatives. thank you
- William Alejandro Bernal RodriguezNov 2022
When we explore new horizons and look for other alternatives for the development of our daily activities, we have as a priority to unite in the creativity and imagination for the assessment in the result that we always expect, despite taking for granted that the result must always be in positive measure
- Sirly Marcela Gutiérrez BenjumeaJan, 2023
Good evening, creativity in my opinion is important as it helps us de-stress, express feelings, whether good or bad. In addition, each person has an ability in something, and we are different, therefore the same happens with the creativity, this helps us to look for a different way of seeing or obtaining answers in situations difficult.
- nathalia andrea cardona arroyaveJan, 2023
Creativity is something important to demonstrate our skills to demonstrate that if you can go a long way but there is to leave our comfort zone and create and believe that thoughts can lead us to the success.
- Angel Isaias Ruiz LeonJan, 2023
Regarding creativity, each person has the ability to create something innovative for the benefit personal or for humanity to advance for a better future and to be able to benefit and have better quality of life
Good morning. For me, creativity is a talent that was given by God to human beings, the ability to innovate new things, adapting to all the changes that we see every day.
Creativity is an imaginary process and innovation a productive process. This means that with the first we create the ideas and with the second the changes are introduced. The main difference between creativity and innovation is in the approach and from there we evolve
many times creativity is excellent since many times they help a family nucleus financially to support themselves and get ahead
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