Importance of Public Administration
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The basis of state functioning since ancient times.- The concept of administration Public is one that refers to all the agencies, institutes and institutions that a State has to manage its assets and resources. These organisms are sometimes managed autonomously and other times they depend directly on the maximum heads of government.
In either of the two cases, public administration is a particularly important element with regard to the proper functioning of a State since it is thanks to the actions that are carried out through these organisms that all the decisions that are made can be put into practice. they take. The public administration has existed for approximately the same time as the States themselves and this is so because without it they could not function properly.
Public administration: its operation and general structure
Although each State makes public administration something different and particular, the reality is that it has in most cases a similar structure. In this sense, the public administration is usually armed so that the State organizes its resources correctly and the
budget available among the people or in the region that governs.It is normally made up of agencies that collect taxes, that carry out actions to control that payment, of whose main objective is to carry out the measures that will redistribute them, both social and economic. To this must be added the entire list of ministries and secretariats, political portfolios that have at their charge different particular aspects of the State, be it economy, culture, health, education, environment and justice among others.
A complex network of communication and structuring between all the parties is what makes it possible to link the actions so as not to overlap and waste resources.
Two political positions regarding public administration
As in everything that has to do with the organization of a State, with respect to public administration, there are two conflicting positions that share little or nothing about the management of the organisms and agencies that make up.
On the one hand, we find those who maintain that the larger the public administration, the more a country grows, because that means that it reaches more places and covers more needs. At the same time, this means that more people are needed to carry out the tasks, which means more secure and stable employment.
On the other hand, very opposed to this are those with a liberal position who maintain that an enlarged public administration means enormous expenses. for the State, that larger size does not always mean better quality and generally prefer fewer public administrations and fewer employees. Also, in this case, this decision goes through an ideological side that does not see the role of the State as a benefactor of all social requirements as necessary.
Images: iStock. MarinaBH / Aslan Alphan
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