Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2009
Depending on the area in which it is used, the word arc can refer to a number of completely different questions.
For example in the context of the architecture and the building, an arch will be that linear construction element with a curved shape whose mission or purpose is to save the space between two pillars or walls. It is made up of pieces called voussoirs, which can adopt different curved shapes. Almost always, arches turn out to be very useful when saving very large spaces with very, very small pieces. An example of an arch, widely spread and recognized in the world for its history and beauty, is the Arc de Triomphe, which is located in the French city of Paris.
On the other hand, the bow can take on a weapon function to facilitate a aggression, exerting the function of support and impulsion of arrows with respect to a relatively distant target. His dimension It is varied, being able to reach even the stature of an individual, the material with which the arch is built is of
wood and has arranged a rope that tightens, in which the arrow will be placed, which will allow us to reach the distance. Indigenous peoples and primitive civilizations were the ones who have given the most use to this element. In the present, more than anything, it is practiced with a recreational purpose or competence, but not as before to hunt an animal that would be used as food later.And the term arch is also used to refer to the iron frame, almost rectangular in shape and painted white through which a ball must enter to score the goal in the sport of football.
Themes in Arco