Importance of the European Union
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The European Union (also known as the EU) is one of the most important geopolitical communities in the world, as it brings together a large percentage of the most developed countries on the planet. This community's main objective is to share projects that cover economic issues, political, social and cultural that allow this region of the planet to jointly face different problematic. The European Union was created around the middle of the 20th century (1951), especially after the end of the Second World War, with the ultimate goal of working in together for the good of all the countries that compose it and prevent international conflicts from opaque or impede the integral development of the region.
The European Union could be considered the final consummation of various projects of union and integration that historically characterized the continent. That said, it's important to note that it's just your training the moment in which the idea of a group of many members took shape in front of the typical alliances or treaties between a small group of strategic countries. Today, the countries that make up the European Union are the majority of the countries of the continent. Countries like Russia, Norway, Switzerland and Ukraine are not part of it, while others are being currently considered as candidates to integrate it (Iceland, Turkey, the countries of the region of the Balkans).
The European Union is governed by intergovernmental conferences in which the roles of the countries vary periodically. The objective of the policies adopted by the European Union is, as was said, to contribute to the union and the job all the regions that make up this community, thus being able to establish common economic policies that give importance to the production of each region and that protect them from productions of other markets, encourage the formation of governments that respect certain guidelines of democracy or participation, elevate the role of the culture European in other spaces, etc. As with all regional communities, the EU thus allows its members to shape their identity as part of a continent and link more directly and closely with the countries neighbors.
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