Importance of Chemistry
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
As an area of the natural sciences, chemistry is dedicated to the study and investigation of the properties and reactions that matter can experience, as well as the phenomena associated with its structuring. Its long history dates back to ancient alchemy, a practice that sought to transform metals into gold and, despite the fact that these objectives were considered fanciful, they established the bases for modern chemistry, by allowing to generate contributions to the knowledge of the composition and properties of matter, however, human curiosity towards the study progress of the phenomena of matter can well be considered initiated from the precise moment in which man managed to produce fire and began to use it to transform the elements of his environment for his own benefit, allowing the creation of new substances and materials, opening the way towards understanding the nature of the elements and chemical compounds.
transforming life
The very evolutionary process of living beings has been a direct consequence of the chemical transformation possibilities of matter, and everything that happens within the An individual's organism is a permanent coming and going of chemical reactions between the thousands of substances that compose it, most of which still lack the study enough to be able to elucidate its true nature, so the application of chemical studies in biology is a field that still has a lot of work to do. ahead, becoming one of the most important scientific areas, since through biochemistry it is possible that one day it will be understood, not only how life is structured at the molecular level, but what is the specific implication of each substance for the correct functioning of the metabolisms that make it possible.
This fact has allowed the achievement of the knowledge that until now is had in fields such as medicine and pharmacology, which has led to the development of Chemical substances intended to combat or treat a wide variety of diseases, increasing the longevity of people and improving their quality of life. life. Despite this, most of the diseases and even more so the genetic alterations that can produce a number of disorders, are situations that reserve many unknowns for discover.
On the other hand, the understanding of the chemical phenomena existing in nature itself is an area that continues to be the main source of knowledge for the understanding of the circumstances that have made life possible and the existence of all present matter, both on our own planet and in the rest of the world. Universe.
benefits for all
The applicability of chemical knowledge is so wide that it covers absolutely all human activities, from the already mentioned medical area, to each one of the technological aspects that surround us, as a result of the deep analysis of the materials used for the manufacture of each product possible.
From the paints used in the works of art since its inception, to obtaining energy through the various fuels and mechanisms devised to Now, all the chemical reactions involved have been, to a greater or lesser degree, the source of studies and the obtaining of the necessary information for the learning of how matter operates at its various levels, thus feeding the matrix of knowledge and its application through an increasingly scientific method deep.
Reactions to move forward
The discovery of ever smaller reacting particles composing matter also opens the doors towards a greater complexity in their understanding and the development of a new search methodology and analysis.
This phenomenon, far from being able to glimpse the scope of all possible chemical knowledge, points towards the humility of recognizing that there are still too many factors of chemistry that is far from human comprehension, and even from what technology itself allows for its study, so that the hitherto permanent stimulus for development between science and technology, it will be a relationship that will still have a long time to come and with many prosperous children to see grow up, hoping that they will also grow up among themselves. find solutions to their own environmental problems caused by pollution, generated mostly with their own chemical products and manufactured materials for humanity.
From this perspective, the need to make chemistry focus on the study of the reversal of these consequences, through technological promotion oriented towards the recovery, reuse or recycling of the matter that by natural means cannot be easily processed and reincorporated into ecosystems, because it is not properly part of they.
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Morrison, R. T., & Boyd, R. no. (1998). organic chemistry. Pearson education.
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