Importance of Self Love
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
He self-love, also called self-esteemIt is a phenomenon of great importance for each person as it is the engine that leads to personal development and growth through the achievement of goals.
There are several factors that are directly linked to self-esteem, such as self-esteem, ability to set limits, self-acceptance and adequate management of expectations throughout life.
Self-esteem goes hand in hand with achievement, so self-esteem increases progressively with the passing of the years as the goals are achieved.
Perhaps the peak of self-esteem is reached between the ages of 50 and 60, when much of the way has already been done. From there it is possible that many people see their self-esteem diminished when the illnesses of the elderly are undermining the quality of life, but mainly the independence, which is the most precious asset of the elderly.
Our society It still does not adequately prepare us for that final stage, but it is important to take action. We must prepare for old age, both physically, mentally and financially, so that we can keep that self-esteem intact.
Put limits
Loving yourself is fundamental to setting limits. The concept of one's own worth has to put aside the willingness to be mistreated or abused by third parties.
Many times limits or rules are not set in time to somehow avoid difficult situations or conflicts. This is a mistake, since the lack of limits will lead to situations in which an even worse conflict will most likely come with greater consequences.
self acceptance
Give you the chance to be happy, accept and love yourself. This is the best way to define self-acceptance.
We are not perfect and most likely we never will be, but just as we have defects, difficulties and limitations, We also have qualities and virtues that define us and that can also be of great help in the different facets of life. life.
One of the factors that has a great impact is the management of expectations.
Life is a dynamic process. At times it can be very favorable, but a setback can also occur that changes things.
It is important to learn to handle those setbacks that occur in life. In general, in youth there are many goals to achieve and sometimes the conditions are not favorable. to achieve them all, or at least not at the same time, this leads to the need to plan better.
In adulthood, this self-esteem is consolidated as there is a situation of greater stability, probably a family or partner relationship, there is job stability with a flow of income and there is even a social life that complements and fills a lot.
Already towards the stage of the elderly, labor activity decreases, which also affects the level of income, unless financial forecasts have been taken. In this phase the body does not respond in the same way or have the same resistance, certain disabilities are likely to occur.
In addition to this, something that accompanies this phase of life is loss. Loss of some relatives, of friends, of the children who leave to make their homes, of the life that was had...
Managing expectations is essential for self-esteem to remain intact and even continue to increase throughout life. We must be aware of the changes that will come and that ultimately the most important thing is to live each stage of life enjoying what we have without suffering for what we have not been able to achieve.
Fotolia images: inninna, nanihta
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