Importance of Carbohydrates
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Among the chemically essential substances for life we find a group of organic compounds classified as carbohydrates or carbohydrates, which are involved in a large number of metabolic processes in all living beings, there being such a wide range of carbohydrates, as well as the functions in which they are found involved.
To begin with, and mainly, the role of these substances with the generation of energy is highlighted, since among them are the sugars that can be used by metabolism. for this function, thanks to being an immediately available resource for the movement and cellular actions of each of the living beings, however, in addition to serving Also as intermediaries in many metabolic processes of animals, the importance of carbohydrates falls on the functions that they initially have for the floors.
Among the various types of carbohydrates there is a group that is little considered, but without which plants could not exist: fibers. Cellulose in this case lends itself as the most accurate example of the importance of carbohydrates for the development of a fully functional "body support system". different from the skeleton of animals and that allows plants to reach the great magnitudes of their highest representatives, through the accumulation of this very resistant fiber, which has also managed to be processed by humans, to turn it into the very important paper that we use daily in almost any activity that we develop.
In the same way, although it may seem strange, arthropods – especially insects – and most fungi are covered in a carbohydrate: chitin. This polysaccharide allows fungi and arthropods to provide themselves with such a resistant protective cover that, in the case of the latter, it serves as a exoskeleton, without which they would be very soft and defenseless bugs even as adults, as vulnerable to any predator as in their states larvals.
On the other hand, some carbohydrates can also establish chemical associations with other molecules, such as the case between carbohydrates and proteins, forming glycoproteins which act as hormone receptors and allow their passage through cell membranes, thus standing out in transport processes cell phone.
From sugar to fat
The transformation processes undergone by carbohydrates are highly variable, it all depends on the type of carbohydrate that it is, the metabolic route in which it intervenes and, of course, the product substance that is require.
In this sense, the transformation experienced by carbohydrates that most worries most people is the one where it goes from being a dish exquisite to an increase in body volume, due to the ability of the liver to convert excess sugar into fat, as an energy reservoir potentially usable in the future, which in most cases never arrives, since the necessary nutrients continue to be provided daily and also those that will continue to accumulate, hence the great importance of maintaining a diet that is really adequate to the energy needs according to the activities characteristic of each person.
But not all sugars experience this fate, many of them allow the existence of fermentation processes, thanks to which certain microorganisms are capable of producing alcohols, such as wine and beer, and acids such as vinegar that can be obtained from the fermentation of the sugars of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. cereals.
The fuel of thought
Due to multiple factors in the complexity of its functioning, the organ that consumes the most energy by itself in the human body is the brain.
It is estimated that approximately 20% of the energy used daily for our survival is expended for nothing more than the functions of our brain, requiring for this one of the most essential metabolic routes, glycolysis through which glucose is converted into the essential pyruvate that will later be used in the Krebs Cycle, obtaining the necessary ATP for the functioning of each cell, including neurons, which are not still even when we sleep, for so if you want to reduce those uncomfortable accumulations of fat in your body, there is nothing better than taking advantage of turning it back into glucose to make brighter your ideas.
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