Importance of Depth as an Art Technique and Physical Dimension
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Depth, considered as the third dimension in a space, is the greatest ally of every visual artist, who can create any type of illusion using perspective. that it grants to objects within a plane, on the other hand, the sense of depth encompasses much more than the mere distance at which we can appreciate an object, having allowed the development of the ability to locate ourselves in our environment and understand the three-dimensional nature to which we belong, as far as physical dimensions are concerned. This last notion is known as depth of field and its importance lies beyond being a visual phenomenon.
As part of the perceptual abilities of stereognosis, capturing the depth of objects is a capacity that we also perform through touch, however, the depth of dimensions becomes a power linked to the subconscious and allows us to keep ourselves safe from danger, for example, when we are left in the dark for some reason. blackout, we can move through a widely known space thanks to the fact that information about the distance in which they are located is stored in our brain things.
The third dimension from the plane
The increasingly complex handling of depth in the design of images by the visual arts, both physically and digitally, provides us with Currently, three-dimensional effects captured on a flat surface, which become a visual challenge for the viewer, adding to the fact that in the New Digital Age there is a great variety of resources that increasingly take advantage of the use of depth for the generation of fantastic effects.
However, the use of depth in painting, drawing and Illustration is not a new concept, quite the contrary, it has been a technique perfected over the centuries. thanks to the contributions of the greatest masters of art, who in the search to express to the maximum the perceptible emotions through their works, were creating the games of light and shadows that, on many occasions, cause the impression that the characters in the work are jumping out of the frame or even the effect that the eyes follow those who pass by with their gaze in front. of the work
matter of perspective
To be able to play with depth in an image, not only the management of shadows and lights is essential, but also knowledge in regarding the creation of perspectives on the planes which has become a differentiating element between the own techniques of the different artists, being able to recognize their works through the management of perspectives and depths that they capture in their plays. This phenomenon has become, for example, one of the most incisive elements in animated cinema.
The different perspectives that can be found in a work also allow the visualization of its elements from different angles, which is why current art offers the possibility of a more complex analysis and interpretation of the works, through a seductive dynamism almost inherently present in all works from art contemporary. The greatest example of this is represented by kinetic art and all the visual game possibilities it offers.
Location in the real world
Leaping now from the artistic towards the physical reality that surrounds us in the other facts of life, it is thanks to the ability to perceive the depth that we can act in the environment and carry out any type of activity. From the simplest actions, such as being able to calculate the volume of coffee that we can pour into a cup, to carrying out the most complex activities such as handle, absolutely everything is conditioned to the ability we have to establish the depth limits of things, both visually and through touch.
A visual problem, either its own or generated by a bad formulation of corrective lenses that leads us to have problems with depth of field, It can represent a constant risk for those who are suffering from this confusion, leading them to have any type of incident, mishap and even major accidents, by failing to correctly establish the positioning of the various parts of his body with respect to the surrounding elements in the around. In this sense, miscalculating the distance at which a step can be found could end in an abrupt fall down the stairs, or not having measured accurately precision the distance that the hand had to travel to reach something in the kitchen can lead to suffering from a burn, so eventually observing how we are perceiving depth through our senses represents a habit of great importance, not only to assess our own state of physical and mental health, but also also to avoid potential dangers, especially as old age and neurodegenerative diseases reduce the perceptive and interpretative capacity of our senses.
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