Importance of the Scientific Method
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
The value of the scientific method, regardless of the area in which it is applied, lies in allowing us to study phenomena in the form objective as possible, since it guides us towards the detailed and segmented evaluation by steps of each of the elements that are desired analyze. The vast majority of events in nature began to be observed naturally, simply because they were perceived and then surely colloquially narrated, however, as As the human being evolved and interrelated more and more with his environment and the other species, this mere procedure became insufficient to maintain control over what it happened in his environment and even more, about the learning and experiences that he could get from it, progressively emerging a way of analyzing, interpreting and quantifying the phenomena, and, In addition, to ensure the possibility of its replication, which gives it the condition of being a properly scientific fact, as it is a phenomenon that, either naturally or experimentally, can be reproduced.
From assumption to fact
Having established a method of study and research with a disciplined character and focus scientific, has been the main resource that allowed the achievement of great advances in knowledge human. We have been able to transcend from the simple and direct observation that led to the supposition that things were in such and such a way, based on the subjectivity of whoever was contemplating an event, to become authentic analyzers of each element involved in the event, under an objective scheme that guides us towards the exchange of points of view, from the variations of the elements that influence the made.
Although it sounds complex, the scientific method is actually a very easy resource to assume as a skill, from there every time. more frequent the incorporation of their teaching from the initial school levels, through the implementation of activities experimental that allow children to understand: 1) the existence and nature of the variables that influence a given freak; 2) the possibility of establishing scales of values and measurements in the results; 3) learn and implement the initial mathematical knowledge towards the first steps in the use of statistics as a tool; 4) carry out an objective analysis that stimulates the ability to change their point of view based on evidence, transforming subjective thinking into objective reasoning; 5) the formulation of hypotheses to find answers with greater efficiency and assertiveness; and finally 6) learn to build effective methodologies based on solving the various problems they have to face in life, because once the importance of the scientific method as a resource for the interpretation of the world that surrounds us, it becomes a way of seeing and understanding life in each of its details, hence the vast majority of scientists are considered fully successful people, since they objectively handle all the variables of the phenomena that it's their turn to live
Repetition of the phenomena
In order for an event to be considered a scientific fact, the condition to be met is that it be repeatable, which is why many of the popular narratives on various phenomena, have not even been considered scientifically valid by any area of formal study, being more commonly assumed by the religions and phenomenological doctrines, for which it becomes valid based on qualities such as faith, without the need to delve into the true root of its origin.
Quantities, qualities and qualities
Being able to break down a phenomenon, which can be either from a factual science such as biology, chemistry or physics, or from a humanistic science such as anthropology, sociology and even more mental as psychology, allows us to analyze the own qualities that phenomena possess, as well as those external ones that influence them. These qualities are precisely the basis for establishing the hypotheses that will lead to the determination of the direct and indirect variables that condition the phenomenon and therefore that will guide the study.
The mathematical relationship between the frequency and proportions in the repetition of the results in each variable and their respective analysis statistics, allows obtaining a quantifiable estimate of the phenomena and with it, reaching conclusions and results that allow assuming or rule out a certain process, for example, if you want to know exactly the impact that a certain flavor of toothpaste has on the people, the scientific method would guide us towards developing an instrument that allows us to measure said impact, and in this case it could be a survey the most appropriate. As it would not be possible due to multiple factors, asking all of humanity for their opinion on that specific flavor of toothpaste, is simplifies the study, establishing a population sample that can be sufficiently representative and proceeds to obtain the information.
By knowing exactly the number of people participating in the study, the answers they give us can also be expressed mathematically, thus directly evaluating the quality, not only of the results, but also of the product that we have studied, having fulfilled all the conditions for it to be a work carried out with an authentic method scientist.
Asensi-Artiga, V., & Parra-Pujante, A. (2002). The scientific method and the new philosophy of science. In Annals of Documentation (Vol. 5, p. 9-19). University of Murcia. Spain.
Caceres, R. Á. (1996). The scientific method in health sciences. Editions Diaz de Santos. Madrid Spain.
Castan, Y. (2014). Introduction to the scientific method and its stages. Methodology in Public Health Spain, 6(3).
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