Importance of the Bibliography
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The investigation requires talent and perseverance by the researcher. And these two ingredients are the essential levers to provide a new point of view or a finding in any field of knowledge. However, human knowledge (whether in the field of science or letters) is located within a context, sources of information. Those sources that nourish knowledge make up the bibliography.
Let's imagine a current thinker who wants to delve into classical Athens. He is obliged to resort to the data and all the pertinent information about that historical period. He cannot ignore the contributions that other thinkers have previously made. All this information should be used as a reference to present their own theses.
The bibliography handled by the researcher must be rigorous and truthful. For this reason, he is obliged to cite it with absolute precision and with all the methodological structure of his knowledge. It is a way of communicating to all of humanity that the new knowledge is authentic. We must not forget that the scientist belongs to a community, the scientific one, and also has an ethical commitment to
society.The bibliography is like the research engine room, where theses, opinions, and references are compared; the information that others contributed so that the new path of knowledge makes sense.
The correct and systematic use of the bibliography is totally necessary, because if it is not done, the risk of ignoring what others have already found is assumed. And along the same lines, not citing bibliographical sources and simulating creative originality is a clear example of a forgery that has a word, plagiarism. Plagiarism is still a human temptation, a way of taking credit that is not one's own.
The bibliography occupies a place rarely visited by the reader, since it is purely technical information (references, dates, books with their editions and similar data). It must be recognized that the bibliographic appeal is scarce. Probably only a person specialized in a subject will have the inclination to browse the pages dedicated to the bibliography. In any case, the true key to the research process is found precisely in those pages that are usually at the end of the book. There is all the truth or the lie.
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