Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2018
The word comes from Arabic, as it is formed from the root amir, which means commander or boss. As for its current meaning, an admiral is a high-ranking member of the navy. In the military ranks of the navy of war, is equivalent to a general in the land army.
The rank of admiral in context
The term navy is used in reference to the navy of a nation. If we take the Spanish navy as a reference, the military ranks are as follows:
1) the troop or sailor is divided into three levels: sailor, corporal and corporal first,
2) at the top level come the different NCOs (from sergeant to NCO),
3) continuing in the ranks are the officers (the lowest ranking is the frigate lieutenant and the highest ranking is the Captain) and
4) finally the general officers are those who are in the superior ranks, which include the figure of rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, admiral general and at the highest level is the captain general.
It should be noted that in some countries the figure of the Commodore exists and is at a lower level than the Rear Admiral.
Álvaro de Bazán and Isoroku Yamamoto
The war at sea has been decisive on many occasions throughout history. Great battles with a high strategic value have been fought between the navies of two or more opposing nations. The admirals who achieved victory are remembered for their strategy, its courage and his determination in the victory.
The Spanish admiral Álvaro de Bazán played a decisive role in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. This episode occurred near the Greek coasts, specifically in the Gulf of Lepanto. Two armadas faced each other: that of the Ottoman Turks against a coalition Christian made up of a Spanish, Venetian and Papal fleet. The final victory of the Christians was the definitive brake on Ottoman expansionism throughout the Mediterranean.
The Imperial Japanese Navy staged great victories throughout World War II and many of them were led by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
From a strategic point of view, he considered that the naval forces should not be understood as a simple weapon of support for for ground troops, but had to be used as offensive attack forces. On the other hand, he was the promoter of naval aviation in the Japanese navy.
Yamamoto was in command of the Japanese fleet from which the attack on the Pearl Harbor military base began on December 7, 1941. His victories at sea were so decisive that the Americans decided to end his life to permanently weaken the naval power of the Japanese. After his death the Emperor of Japan appointed him Marshal of Admirals.
Photos: Fotolia - Lefteris Papaulakis / Irinabal18
Themes in Almirante