Importance of Universal History
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
We can say that the The importance of Universal History lies in the fact that thanks to it, we can know, remember and identify all those events or processes related to man.. Thus, among other things, he studies the evolution of the human being, although not from a biological point of view, at least not exclusively, rather it tries to give a vision of what has happened around the human race from its origin to our days.
Universal history begins at the moment in which Homo Sapiens appears. It is really important, because without it we could not collect the evolution of the species. Therefore, universal history observes the change of civilizations in different historical epochs such as the Prehistoric, Ancient Age, Middle Ages, Modern Age and Contemporary Age.
Universal history can be a great summary of the evolution of man in terms of technology, science and social evolution. Thus, thanks to it we can know when and how the most important discoveries of past centuries were made. In addition, we can also delve into ancient cultures, the basis of our current cultures, such as the Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek or Roman civilization.
Within universal history we can look at different aspects. Thus, there are parts of it that are in charge of studying sociopolitical evolution. This part is a really important part, because thanks to it we will be able to observe all the conflicts that have occurred in the past, such as wars (World War I and II) or revolutions. All these data can teach us to learn from mistakes and identify future avoidable conflicts. For this reason, it is always said that it is iIt is very important to have a good historical memory, because in this way, man could avoid the great evils that occurred in previous centuries.
Universal history also has enough tools to look at and analyze the different economic processes throughout history. Thus, we can be aware of which have been the most important crises of our time and of the times past, once again being able to treasure that information and anticipate something that is also cyclic; and it is that the economy of a country usually always follows a graph.
Finally, it should be noted that universal history is also essential to study the more social aspects of man. Thus, thanks to this we will learn the origin of traditions and customs, important aspects of our culture that would otherwise pass without further ado, without showing the rich history behind them.
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