Importance of Social Awareness
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The awareness Social refers to the way in which a society understands itself. Its importance lies in the fact that this type of vision will have a great impact on the development that exists in said society. In other words, social awareness is the degree of knowledge that a society has about its own conditions, knowledge that will manifest itself in different types of criteria, evaluations, elements of analysis etc.. It can also be understood as the information that circulates in a society about itself. Depending on the accuracy of this information, depending on the expectations that are formed, each member of society will tend to take different types of measures.
To understand the relevance of the social conscience Appeal can be made to a criterion proper to economics, that of rational expectations. According to it, society as a whole will have an assessment about the phenomena that will happen in the future that has a high degree of probability to happen. This circumstance is generated by the fact that society processes the circulating information in a way efficient, a process that will lead to a series of assessments that will have a high degree of support in the reality.
The social conscience it is therefore the way in which society interprets itself. However, in this phenomenon there is a problem that is difficult to elucidate. Given that the assessments that are made about present and future conditions tend to generate actions to respond in a correct way to them, these conditions can change, a fact that would also lead to change said ratings. This phenomenon is known within the social Sciences as reflexivity and tries to realize that the knowledge that one has of this aspect of reality is different from that of other areas where human action is absent.
There are some theoretical postulates where the social conscience continues to refer to the knowledge that one has of the conditions of that society, but considering that these conditions have characteristics specials. Marxism, for example, considers that the true conditions of production from the exploitation are hidden from a large part of the population due to propaganda actions and the ideology. The social conscience would be, from this perspective, the fact of understanding these conditions accurately. It goes without saying that this vision is highly debatable, but it serves to shed light on what would be a social conscience.
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