Importance of External Hard Drive
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Computer science as we know it undoubtedly arose out of the need to process and store large amounts of data in an automated way. That is why its development has been directed (and is directed) mainly at how to keep information safe.
When the teams were evolving a problem arose: the mobility of that stored information. It is clear that a piece of computer equipment, however long-lived it may be, does not last forever, so the information should can to move, move from one place to another. That is why various devices were devised with which to move information from one computer to another: from old boards with transistors, cards memory analogue, tapes, diskettes, CDs, DVDs... all of them are methods that allow you to keep certain information on them and physically move it from one place.
The first hard drives were created with the idea of being fixed devices, as opposed to the so-called soft drives of the time (the famous floppy disks). Thus, most of the first PCs had a hard drive inside, capable of storing a large amount of information, and then allowed the exchange of data through a disk controller soft. It was in the first one where the
OS and the basic programs, and where the PC saved, modified, executed... all the work done.The system is still used today: a large-capacity fixed hard drive on which the computer works mostly and then other portable memories in which the information that you want to keep or move is stored (be they flash memories, DVDs, pendrives..., etc). However, when a person wants to move a large amount of data, the problem arises that portable memories generally do not offer enough capacity. It was for this reason that the External hard drives. These external hard drives work similar to internal hard drives, but with the caveat that they can be moved between various computing devices by connecting them to a port on the computer. So, if a person wanted to copy all their data from one PC to another, they could do it to an external hard drive, take it with them, and use it to work on another device. Also, being hard drives, they are usually much faster and more reliable than any other portable device.
Hard drives were actually nothing more than superimposed layers of drives, and therefore much more sensitive to friction and motion than soft disks, recommending that they not move while working, as irreparable damage could be caused.
External hard drives, although portable, should also not be moved while working, but should be turned off for transport.
Currently, however, with the development of online technologies such as cloud (clouds), the tendency is to use less portable hard disks and more the network for the storage of large amounts of information, since These systems allow this information to be automatically available from any device in the world, simply by having a connection to Internet.
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