Definition of Personality Test
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2015
The tests used by the selectors of human Resources in the selection processes they may have a specific purpose. Knowledge tests are widely used in selection processes to measure the level of English that a candidate has. In the same way, the tests of fitness They are used to measure the real skills that a candidate has.
There is a different test: the test of personality It measures some data on the character of the candidate and some signs of her habitual behavior. Why is this type of test used in selection processes? Because the selectors of resources Humans not only value the academic training of a candidate to apply for a job, but they can also look for a profile concrete psychological.
Search for a specific psychological profile
For example, among the professional competencies that the candidate must fulfill, some character traits such as teamwork.
This type of test is used because candidates often make up reality about themselves.
That is, they may not be entirely sincere in their responses during the
Personality tests are an important tool in the selection of workers
Therefore, recruiters of human resources may decide to use valuable resources such as personality test to know with greater objectivity what is the way of being of said candidate.
For example, this personality test can also be very useful when looking for a candidate for a job as a leadership. In that case, this test can clarify whether the candidate has the positive ingredients of a good leader.
A part of the puzzle, to know more about a person
A personality test does not reach the conclusion that one candidate is better than another for having certain character traits. It is simply a knowledge tool to have greater objectivity when making the choice to select the professional that best suits the needs of the job position. This tool can be especially valuable when there are multiple candidates who might fit the job position.
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