Importance of Human Development
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Human development should be the main engine of all the activities carried out by a society. It implies the possibility of having health, housing and a decent education. The most developed countries are those that have placed special emphasis on this circumstance, generating rules of the game that mean the integration of all the inhabitants. This fact is manifested especially in the economic aspect, explaining some of the good results in productivity that these countries have. Conversely, a society that leaves the human development in the background, which focuses solely on profitability, is a society that is highly limited.
Of course, not only society and its institutions are responsible for achieving a high degree of human development. Our responsibility with respect to our life should put this concept within the first goals to consider. It is worth asking exactly what this development consists of. In succinct terms, it consists of developing from an intellectual, physical and psychological point of view to add more and more value to one's life and to society. In it
human development a synergy is formed where everyone benefits from the improvements of an individual. Education in this sense should be placed as a fundamental value, education that should not be relegated to the formal sphere, but to all integration of knowledge that implies the generation of benefit understood in the sense broad.To give an example of the relevance of the human development, the experience of the two world wars that left Europe devastated must be contemplated. They implied an unprecedented destruction of capital, as well as the loss of innumerable people, both in the combat field and in concentration camps. However, the affected countries were able to get back on their feet in a few decades, rebuilding their economies and generating a viable society from every point of view. These circumstances can only be carried out thanks to the undeniable human development achieved that existed in the individuals who faced this reconstruction. The cities were destroyed but not the ingenuity within the survivors.
Today, the human development ceased to be a postulate of idealists. In fact, its importance can be seen in the development of concepts such as human capital, a concept that reworks the concept of the productive factor of work, associating it with the training and the development of skills in workers. As we can see, the fact of treating the quality of the work considering its aptitudes (of all kinds) can give us an idea about the relevance of putting the human development as the center of any policy towards population.
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