Example of Vehicle Cancellation Request
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A vehicle deregistration request, is a form that is requested by state governments and governmental institutions, to be able to withdraw a motor vehicle from circulation.
The structure of the vehicle deregistration request, it may change depending on where the procedure is carried out, but the basic content is always the same.
It can be processed by the owner of the vehicle or by a duly authorized representative; This representative is generally an emissary of some company or institution, reserving himself to be confirmed.
In the event that an individual sends a representative, it is advisable to provide him with a power of attorney, duly appropriate for the case.
Example of vehicle deregistration request:
Secretary of transit
Vehicle data:
Enrollment: LWK 1284
Registration date: 12 January 2009
Applicant details:
Surname or Company Name (for companies): Announcements and services S.A de C.V
Name: Federico Gonzaga Flores
RFC: FGF1248
Address: Av. Internacional # 325 Col Industrial Boroja
Location: México Municipality: Istapalapa
State: Distrito Federal C.P. 09584
Vehicle mechanical data:
It is a Nissan carca, model P300 diesel, with a hard and canceled box and rear doors and a side one. It is adapted to load lights and material, as well as two adaptations to load stairs, it has a 115 Volt current inverter, and 15 meters of extension.
Details of the person presenting the vehicle:
Lic. Federico Gonzaga Flores, legal representative of the company "Publicidad y servicios S.A de C.V"
Classes, causes or reasons for withdrawal:
1.- Temporary withdrawal:
- Voluntary withdrawal
- Dismissal for theft or robbery
- Cancellation of the lease contract
2.- Definitive discharge:
- Voluntary withdrawal
- Cancellation due to renewal of the vehicle fleet (Yes)
- Low export
- Leave by community transit
- Low by accident
- Kill for total damage
I freely declare and under my full responsibility, that the vehicle subject to this withdrawal has been withdrawn from circulation, for which the withdrawal indicated in this document is requested.
The data provided in this document can be entered in the corresponding database and will have official validity throughout the national territory.
The official's firm
Lic. Federico Gonzaga Flores
Legal representative of "Publicidad y servicios S.A de C.V