Simple Trade Example
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A simple craft or direct office, is a document in which a person, whether physical or moral, or an institution, is informed of some information that exclusively concerns that person.
It can be a letter of relevant information or simple information, such as a simple statement
Example of a simple trade:
Example 1 letter of shareholders' meeting:
Importaciones Iván S.A de C.V.B
C shipping manager:
Ing. Fernando Cortes Mirra.
Official Letter 22/2013
Appreciable Mr. Cortés, with this office you are communicated the resolution that the board of directors resolved in relation to the request from your distribution department, especially in relation to the requirement of freight vehicles with circulation daily; of which they resolved the following:
The acquisition of a fleet of 15 cargo units with a five-cylinder diesel engine of the Mercedes Benz panel type is granted, which will be delivered within a maximum period of 30 days.
They must be exchanged for the units in service which will go to tender for auction to the general public and recover part of the investment.
This was resolved by the shareholders' meeting chaired by Eng. Rafael Gonzales Pérez assisted by the general secretary Prf. Luis Gusman Flores.
México D.F on March 26, 2013
Ing. Rafael Gonzales Perez
Example 2 School office for parents:
Colegio tepalcates S.C
Mr. Parents of the minor
Juan Fernando Torres Gutierrez
Official Letter No 1/2015
Parents, as the teacher in charge of the student committee, you are hereby informed that your child has joined the committee student, for which it will require two hours a week to perform its functions, the hours will be mainly on Mondays and Friday.
February 13, 2015
Prof. Leopoldo Rincon
Example 3 Vehicle purchase document:
Auto transportes Alemanes S.A
Official Letter 235-2015 / 3
Subject: Vehicle notification
Mr. Carlos Contreras Valdez
You are advised that you will be able to pick up your new vehicle from the dealership located at Av. Agustín de Iturbide No 5226.
You can pick it up from February 15 of this year.
This also lets you know that you already have plates and the first stickers.
Mexico City, February 13, 2015
Grnte. Julian Torsillo Mendez
Example 4 trade model:
This document is an informative document, which has a high formality, especially when it has a seal, it can be from a business-administrative or judicial system.
It must have basic parameters:
- Issuer or dependency
- File number (if any)
- Affair
- Sender
- Message text
- Date and place
- Addressee
- The signature of the person responsible or those responsible
- References (if necessary)
- Stamp
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