Television Script Example
Writings / / July 04, 2021
A television script is a text, in which some necessary details are exposed to “guide” in the realization of a television program, indicating dialogues, times, and texts of the actors, conductors, presenters and commentators, as well as indicating the times of the cuts for the introduction of advertisements; the positions and angles that the cameras should take to focus on the plane that best suits the protagonists of the broadcast, whether these actors of a program, commentators, presenters etc.
A television script is done in a descriptive way including the setting, the action, and the dialogues. As well as giving indications of when to make camera changes, zooms, changes of plane, background music, announcement entry, lights, introduction of recorded videos, (in the case of newscasts by example).
Example of a television script:
Scene 1:
Image 1:
In the foreground the protagonist on the river bank, playing with her feet in the water, while the fish swim near the protagonist.
Camera one zooms in on the protagonist smiling as the protagonist approaches with a loaf of bread, a piece of cheese and a bottle of wine.
Scene 2:
Image 2:
Camera 2 follows the movement while The protagonist gets up and runs to meet the protagonist, embracing him effusively.
At the moment the camera 3 in Close up, at the moment in which the protagonist speaks to him.
Background music is introduced (Yiruma, “River flows on you”, Fade in: 00: 00: 14-00: 01: 55, exit with fade out)
Storyteller- Before having lunch on the banks of the river, the lovers talked about their love.
(Camera 1: The protagonists walk towards the river bank)
Dialog 1:
(Camera 1, panoramic image)
Henri (sitting on the grass) -I'm here, tell me, have you waited for me all day in this place?
Helena -yes
Henri - why?
Helena (hesitating) - because I love you
(Camera 1 zoom, artists to frame)
Henri (approaching Helena) -do you love me?
Helena (startled) -Yes, since we were young
(Camera 2, Close up to the faces)
Henri (hugging her) - I too have loved you for a long time.
(Fade image of the protagonists, change to forest image)
Background sound is introduced (forest noises)
Along with the music
Scene cut.