String Instruments Example
Basic Knowledge / / July 04, 2021
They are known as stringed musical instruments or chordophones, to those who have the particularity to produce a sound when the strings are played, which are "tensioned" by the two ends.
The strings produce sound vibrations that are amplified through a resonance box, the type of sound will depend on the position of the string, the length and thickness of the string. This is done by plucking, scraping, or striking the strings.
They are generally made from materials such as wood and metal, for the shape of the instrument. Regarding the ropes, fibers of vegetable or animal origin are used. Lately, artificial materials and even metals are being used for certain strings, particularly guitar strings.
Historically this type of instrument can be found in various ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, the Mesopotamian, Chinese or Hindu and with the passage of time several models of instruments of strings. At present, only a few have spread and spread, such as the guitar, the harp and the violin with various variations.
Types of string instruments:
Bowed or Bowed String Instruments:
They generate sound through an arc. As examples we have the following instruments: Monochord, Octabajo, Organistrum, Rabel, Sarangi, Bow Viola, Viola da gamba, Viola de amor, Violin, Viola, Cello, Hurdy-gurdy
Plucked string instruments:
They are the instruments that are plucked on the strings. As examples we have the following instruments: Lyre, Harp, Zither, Bandurria, Balalaika, Guitar, Spinet, Charango, Lute.
Stringed instruments percussed or struck:
The strings are struck, it can be from a box to obtain amplitude of sound, or without it. As examples we have the following instruments: Harpsichord and Pianola.
Simple chordophones:
They are those instruments that are essentially made up of stretched strings resting on a support, they may or may not have a resonance box, and that does not prevent the instrument from playing. As examples we have the berimbau, and various types of harps, lyres and harps.
Composite chordophones:
They are instruments that have a soundboard as an integral part of the instrument. Here we find almost all western stringed instruments, such as violins, guitars, and the orchestral harp.
Instruments with Arm:
They are instruments that have an arm with or without a fret, where the musician can control by the relative length of the strings to vary the pitch of the notes. As an example we have: lute, bass, bandola, balalaica, mandolin, banjo, berimbau, small guitar, charango, cittern, zither, guitar, Baiana guitar, electric guitar, tricordino, ukulele, viola, guitar, 7-string guitar, 12-string guitar strings.
Bowed strings:
The sound is produced through the friction of a bow by the strings. Examples of these are: harmontino, double bass, violin, rebab, viola, viola da gamba, violin, cello
Percussion strings:
The strings are struck and controlled by a series of keyboards. Examples of these we have at the piano.
Examples of string instruments:
- Archlute
- Harp
- Bandurria
- Banjo
- Charango
- Cymbal
- Zither
- Key code
- Clavichord
- Double bass
- Erhu
- Guitar
- Jarana jarocha
- Kora
- Lute
- Lira
- Mandolin
- N'goni
- Novike
- Piano
- Pipe
- Andalusian Rebab
- Rubab
- Sitar
- Ukulele
- Mexican vihuela
- Vineyard
- Viola
- Fiddle
- Cello